Well after today there are only 4 more of these left! the topic for today is:
Write about a time you screwed up – a mistake you made.
We all make mistakes and some are bigger than others. A time I screwed up and made a stupid mistake was once when I was about 15 and my brother was driving a car we really weren’t suppose to be driving. It was a Porsche that we were storing for one of the other guys in my dad’s unit. Hey all I can say is we were kids and we were stupid. That is not even the worst part! He was driving way too fast and I kept telling him to slow down and let me out. He thought it was funny that I wanted to get out of the car and wouldn’t slow down.
Well smarty pants me told him to either let me out or I was getting out. He didn’t slow down so I opened the car door and jumped from the speeding car. That’s right I jumped like some idiot. All I can say is that God was on my side and had bigger plans for me in life. I missed hitting a tree by a few centimeters and I landed on my knees which luckily did not break. I had three very nasty, very deep cuts on each knee and could not stand up straight to walk for weeks. So what did I do? Well my mother worked at the hospital so a trip there was not even considered!
I went into the house got my mother’s kit out and cleaned myself up, including stitching up the cuts. If I went to the hospital I would have had to come clean about what I was doing and everything. I didn’t want my brother to get into trouble and I was the one who was stupid enough to jump from a moving vehicle.When my mother got home I told her I fell running to the mailbox and hit the edge of the concrete. She didn’t buy the story but didn’t tell us until my father got home. He had written down the mileage on the car so we were caught anyway.
My brother’s license were taken away and cut up and I was not allowed to get one until I was 18 for our stupid mistake. Not to mention we got our butts tore up! Yep we were teenagers getting our butts spanked. The thing is, looking back now we deserved it. We deserved worst because what we did was more than wrong. Even though the car was not taken out onto the highway (we were on a dirt road) it wasn’t ours to drive and I could have been killed.
Woah! I can’t believe you jumped from a moving car, and lived to tell the tale with a few cuts etc! He was definitely looking out for you that day for sure.
I did, it was stupid and something my family never lets me live down.
Wow, that’s definitely fortunate you walked away from that jump! Thankfully, episodes like these can serve as a learning and teaching experience, not just for ourselves, but others as well. Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome! It did teach me a lesson.
Wow you are one lucky gal, and a couple of skinned, torn up knees was your only injury, how lucky can you be, it is good that you were not hurt worse and that your parents did find out the truth before something more serious happened. They always say the good Lord is on our side even when we make silly decisions. Count your blessings,
I count them everyday. One thing I am grateful for is that I had the parents I did. Any other parents may have let me get away with it and there is no telling how I would have turned out.
Holy Crap.. My mistake was even though I knew I had the stomach virus – flu , I drove 10 hours to go home during my college years. Wow… that was the roughest drive ever 🙂
I bet it was! I could never do that I would have to be in the bed.
Wow you little rebel! I would never have guessed it. I think when we are young that we think we can get away with things that we would never do as adults. You must have been very afraid if you actually jumped from a moving car. I don’t know if I would have been that brave. You definitely had God watching out for both of you.
It was my one rebellious moment!
My brother did something similar from the back of a truck.
OMG! I hope he was okay. I had an uncle fall from the back of the truck when he was 20, it killed him.
Wow, jumping from a moving car, I am not that brave. At least you had parents who cared enough to spank you, even if you were teenagers. I am glad that you weren’t hurt and you obviously learned a valuable lesson there.
Oh yeah! I couldn’t sit down after they got done but they cared enough and now that is all that matters.
That is insane to jump from a moving car. I really never did anything too wild. I started working when I was 15 and really didn’t have too much time to get into trouble.
I can’t explain why I did it even now. At the time it seemed like the right thing to do.
A stupid mistake I made is taking out a loan to buy a TV and couch when I did not make enough money to cover the payment. I ruined my credit by buying things on credit cards and not being able to pay. I did this a long time ago and learned from this mistake!
I made that same mistake when I was 18. I thought I could manage more than I could.
I always wondered if I would survive something like that after seeing it on TV so many times. I guess so, if it’s not moving too fast, lol. I’m pretty conservative and don’t take too many risks but you never can tell what’s in store for you some day.
I wouldn’t suggest it unless it was life or death. I can tell you…don’t land on your knees.
Woah I am glad your injury was minor considering what could have happened. The biggest mistake I ever made was to ge into a car with a person who I knew was too drunk to drive.
You are lucky, I think we all have had those moments where our judgement was less than perfect.