Today’s topic is one I really like!
Share a photo of something old. Tell us about it and why it’s special.
It is my St. Mary medal that my father gave to me one year for my birthday. The chain broke on it and he replaced it with the chain from his St Jude medal he wore around his neck.
That chain too has broken (it got hung last year and snapped) but I still have it. This medal was my birthday gift purchased at a hospital gift shop. He was in the hospital and had forgotten my birthday. He felt bad and this is what I got. The truth is this medal means more to me than any other present I ever received.
What a lovely story. I love that your father gave you a replacement chain that was his own – that’s 2x the sentimental value ;)! I too always keep sentimental things even if they are broken.
Thank you, even broken it means the world to me.
Sometimes it’s the little gifts that mean the most. My mom gave me a necklace that my father gave her for their 25th wedding anniversary. It has their names and wedding date on one side. This year my husband and I will be celebrating our 25th anniversary. I am going to have our names and date engraved on the other side. It means a lot to me since my father has passed away and I know how special it has always been to her.