Day 3 of Blogtober brings this topic:
Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered.
I have been lucky enough to have been given a lot of very useful advice but one of the things that has always stuck with me is “Be the best that YOU can be. Learn everything you can so that if you were fired they would have to hire four people to replace you.”
Now I know that sounds like be a workaholic and coming from my father it most likely was but it always stuck with me. Anytime I have a job I learn and do as much as I can. Sometimes more than what is expected of me. When I left the corporate world my boss told me that he would give me a year off with pay if I would just agree to come back. He said replacing me was going to cost more so if I wanted more money I could have it.
I have been out of the corporate world for a number of years now but I know that if I wanted to go back today I most likely could. I also know that I can do whatever I set my mind to because I was taught early on to give all that I have and give 100% more.
It’s great that your last boss thought so highly of you! Being irreplaceable means you are doing a good job. It definitely sounds like you are living the ‘be all you can be’ motto.
I try, there was a few years after the corporate world that I felt lost and wasn’t sure who I was but now I have my own voice again.
Always do your best was some of the best advice I was given. That way you can go to bed at night knowing that you’ve done what you could and didn’t only give it 50%.