My nephew is 6 years old and has just started big boy’s school. Anytime I talk with him on the phone it always puts a smile on my face. He is forever asking me when I am going to come and visit him for if it was up to him I would live in the house with him forever.
Children are wonderful at that age! They are full of questions but whenever they learn something that truly interests them you know about it right away. Tonight when I was talking to him he told me all about his parent-teacher conference where his teacher said he was smart. He truly is a very smart boy because he takes after his wonderful aunt (just kidding.) Then he sang to me “Them Bones, Them Bones, Then Dancing Bones” over and over throughout the entire conversation.
It is the new song that he learned today at school and he loves it! He loves school too and I am so glad. Since we homeschool I am never sure about public school. Not to mention he was coming from a few years at a Christian school where I must say he learned so much! I am amazed at the wonderful job my brother and sister in-law are doing raising him.
He attends church and LOVES it, he says grace at meals, ask him any Bible story and he will tell you all about it. More than that though, he is respectful and such a sweet child.
lol So cute! My son is 4 and they ARE very adorable at that age. 🙂 We listen to a song on youtube with these lyrics. 🙂 Kids version. You should check it out!