I am going to say that I downloaded this book from NetGalley because the cover just captured my attention. There was just something about it that drew me in and I am glad that it did.
A Girl’s Guide to Life is a timeless book of warm and sensible advice for young girls, originally written by a mother for her own eight-year-old daughter. From compassion and empathy through self-expression and creativity, from thoughtfulness and helpfulness and good deeds through gratitude and heartfelt apology, from the incomparable joys of friendship to the importance of learning how and when to say no, this little book offers wise counsel that will be of use for many years to come.
This is the cutest book ever! This is the best piece of advice that a mother could ever give her daughter. It is filled with all the things that, as a mother, I want to tell both of my girls but I know that there are things I will forget. So I am getting both of them a copy for their 12th birthdays (when they turn 12) in the hopes they that will not only enjoy it but will pass it on to their daughters.
Buy the Book
Buy A Girls Guide to Life on Amazon.
ginette4 says
Sounds amazing, going to get this book for my daughters, thanks for sharing
Rita says
It is a truly amazing book!
ellen beck says
It is high praise if you have enjoyed a book and then want to buy your kids the same book in hopes they pass it down. I am intrigued wheat kind of adice this book gives. It sounds great.
Rita says
My hope is that the girls find it useful as they grow older.
Holly Storm-Burge says
That sounds wonderful! I have a daughter who could use this in a few years.
Rita says
You should really check out this book because I am sure that your daughter will love it.
Tammy S says
I love when you stumble upon books like this. It sounds like it’s really good. I will have to check it out and see if it’s something my daughter would enjoy. Thanks!
Rita says
I think that your daughter will love this book Tammy!
Michelle S says
I often get drawn to a book based on the cover also. I have an 11-year old at home that this book might be good for. Thanks for the tip!