Valentine’s Day is approaching fast and millions of people will be romancing one another more than they do any other day of the year. I am lucky in that I have an amazing hubby who romances me everyday even when he is far away. Romance is something that we have to work hard at and when you have been married for a while it can start to decline. Life seems to get in the way so I am here to you a little.
Just in time for Valentine’s day I am giving one lucky reader a two night in a hotel closest to where they live. I have several hotels working on deals all across the country so this may include more winners. After giving everything some thought with people living all over finding any one hotel or chain of hotels that would be wherever my winner is would be difficult. so the hotel will be selected (by me and don’t worry it will be l=nice) once a winner has been selected.
The lucky winner will have a two stay on Valentine’s day (2/14-2/15) along with chocolates,roses, and champagne delivered to your room. Sounds great doesn’t it? We are going to be out-of-town so our Valentine’s day will be just as amazing! Enter below for your chance to win! ENDS February 8, 2013 at 11:59 pm
Just being with my husband no matter what we’re doing together.
I love holidays, my grand children,my children,and I really love give aways !!!
Romance is keeping the spark alive in a relationship. The flame of romance varies in size, but you can never let the spark go out.
On 12-12-12 I married my live-in boyfriend of over 10 years 🙂 My 20-year old daughter and 1 year old grandson live with us, and we have a daily struggle with finances (my disability check and his income get stretched very thin!), family drama and health issues. To me romance is the extra seconds at any moment in time that are focused on binding the two of us against everything else. My rose bouquets may have been replaced with cheese grits in bed or my pills laid out with a diet Dr.Pepper splurge, and the heated romance of a Harlequin is a little more difficult when everything hurts, but a goofy growl in my ear makes me smile every time. The extra efforts have to define romance in my life 🙂
It means feeling completely at ease with the person you love.
Romance, to me, is my husband doing something for me without being asked and without an ulterior motive.
alone time with my husband in a nice place with great food
Romance to me is not about lovey dovey and diamonds and chocolate (although the chocolate DOES count for something in MY book;). For us, with raising 6 kids, and now having a live in 1 year old grand daughter with us and her mommy, Romance is about TIME to give each other. With so little you learn to appreciate what time you can give each other. We celebrate our Valentines WITH our kids on Valentines Day. Because that is the LOVE part…for us is family together. The Romance is a night carved out of that hectic schedule, even if just a movie on the couch or one at the theater once or twice a year. It’s holding hands in the car or my husband opening the car door for me or buying my favorite snack at the grocery store. I may have gotten this all wrong, and the romance like that in the movies or a novel has been lost in our lives mostly, but I would not trade our family for the world just to experience that fantasyland. The hotel night out? We’d choose to take the kids WITH us one night, and go it alone one night. But, we’d probably just look at each other with blank stares. LOL. It’s been years and years since alone in a hotel room. YIKES;)
This would be so nice. Romance entails many things. For one I think you need to be honest in your relationship and also have great communication. The romance follows.
doing something out of the norm- something really sweet 😉
To me, romance is the effort and the time that is given from one to another, not because you have to, or you’ve been asked to, or because of a special occasion. Romance is all about the other person. Genuine care, and the genuine desire to make the other person happy.
It means spending time with the person you love, having the ability to enjoy each other’s company without typical daily stresses getting in the way.
Romance is about spending time with that special someone.
being with my husband no kids just the 2 of us on a romantic night on the town and then a weekendalone at home
romance means spending time doing things you do not normally do with a loved one.
It means talking through problems, respecting each other, and being happy for each other. Also, it means surprising the other with little things you know they will like and remembering important dates (like Valentine’s Day).
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Romance is understanding what makes the other person feel special, from their perspective. My ex used to gas my car for me. THAT was romantic!
romance is the daily kisses and affections from my hubby —– Pauline aka Paol Trenny ….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
Romance to me means getting those little butterflies in your tummy when you see that person who is special and writing them a special note or just whispering in their ear. The little things are romantic to me.
Sharing special moments with the one you love.
Entered the Rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Romance is making someone feel loved, adored and special. It is the most precious and vital part of any relationship.
Romance to me is remembering to simple say something or look at someone so that that person knows that they are loved. A word or look from my husband does just that. And because we are both busy during the day, even a nicely put text message does that for me as well. Jus knowing that he is thinking of me means romance to me.
Just spending time with my husband!
Someone who gives you butterflies.
To look into my husbands eyes and see that he loves me always during the good and bad times.
I understand romance by the fact that my boy and I trust each other implicitly, help each other whenever we can to reach our goals and always make time to be together.
Being together.
romance means love
Romance means being there for each other through thick and thin!
I never understood romance until I have been with my husband for 10 years. It means a nightly walk, bathing the kids together, and being best friends. He still calls me baby, and I still light up when he walks in the room. We have beautiful walking testimonies of our love. 🙂
Romance to me means showing each other love everyday. Not only on Valentines or holidays.
it meaning show someone else how u feel about them by going out ur way to show it
Romance to me is when my hubby puts his phone away and focuses completely on spending time with ME. I love when we cook together, share a meal, and snuggle watching a movie for a quiet evening at home. If he throws in a back massage or foot rub all the better 🙂
Romance is spending time and doing things with the man I love.
Romance is going out to dinner with my wife and spending time with her.
Romance is spending time with someone you care deeply about and focusing on doing things that let them know you think they are special.
Doing something for a person that no one else on earth would think of or do ..it could be funny, loving or even practical but something only the person who really knows and loves you knows you will love.
Romance to me is what really keeps the spark alive.
Romance is just being with the one you truely love. we have two boys and have never had a night away for just us. we put our boys first and this would be amazing to get =]
Romance is comfort, trust, and love.
Having someone else do all the work!
Spending time with the person you love
romance is wanting to be with someone… enjoying your time together, which ever way you choose to spend it…
Romance is when you and your significant other put aside your desires for the other and put them first. You make the other person feel like they mean more than yourself. It can be done with words, gifts, and/or actions.
romance means spending time together and doing something fun
Simple acts of kindness like pickup up breakfast after working all night.
thinking about what the other person would enjoy most
Romance means so many things, one of my favorites is that feeling when work or errands has me temporarily seperated from him and I feel like I can’t wait to get home to see him.
Romance for me is showing your love with actions, not just words.