As most of you know I also work for my brother in his business. I am lucky in that I am able to work from home 98% of the time. I handle most of the office stuff as well as the technical computer stuff. Okay, I also have to tell them all how to get their emails on their phones and how to update them. It happens what can I say? Two things though last year that we needed and didn’t even know it was something to be concerned about with the business.

The first thing was frozen pipes. They actually had a pipe freeze and burst int he shop last year. It wasn’t something that I would have thought needed to be checked on. To be honest in all my years working out in the public it was never part of any of my jobs. The guys had to deal with a cold mess. They were able to get something that would prevent it in the future. Of course that was after they had to pay to get the pipes repaired. Not to mention all of the clean up and water damage there was to the shop itself. You can click here for something similar. This was something that I made sure my home had after that mess.
The other thing was the tire machine and something about a gauge. I have no idea about any of that and thankfully didn’t get involved. This machine actually cost a good bit of money and the guys ended up replacing it as well. The new one was checked twice before it was purchased and of course after it was installed in the shop.

The reason I mention both of these is because they were things that could have been avoided but were not things that are normally checked. How many of you know off hand if the pipes have something to keep them from freezing? When you are the business owner you are responsible for all of it. So you need to make sure that you take the time to check out the small stuff. The stuff that you would never think about. Like the toilet in my brother’s shop that keeps running and I am planning on fixing the next time I am there. That drives me crazy.
Take the time now before the weather turns too cold to make sure your pipes are properly your business and your home.Take the time now before the weather turns too cold to make sure your pipes are properly your business and your home. More than that check all of your equipment. Is it in working order? If not what does it need to have in order to be in working order. Go ahead and turn the heat on in the building if you haven’t yet. Maybe do it a day that you are closed so that the dust or whatever can burn off. You know to make sure it is working and to get rid of that smell that always happens when you first turn it on. Check all of your electrical outlets. Are they working? With the holidays coming you are going to be using more of them than ever.
Mishaps happen. Good read.