BYOU (Be Your Own You) Magazine for Girls is a magazine published by Heartlight Girls Publications, LLC that helps build self-esteem in fun and empowering ways for girls ages 7-15. While BYOU Magazine does have articles about celebrity role models it is not your everyday ordinary teen magazine.
For that I am very grateful. I hate buying magazines for Victoria that honestly get read once or twice and then thrown away. BYOU has some really great stories, there is a fun sort of “Dear Abby” type section. All in all the magazine is great. I asked Victoria what she thought of it and she sad that she really liked the Q&A section.
I read through the Q&A with Kelli Berglund and I must admit that it is really good. This girl sounds much more mature than her age and I am thrilled that these are the sort of role models that Victoria has. BYOU Magazine also has a Horoscope section in the back. Again I am grateful because if Victoria reads another horoscope out of one of my magazines and thinks it is meant for her I am gong to scream.
Lets face it, at her age love is not coming knocking next week because Venus has aligned with Mars and she doesn’t need to know anything about how to please a man. So now she has her magazine and I can be thankful that it is one designed just for her.
I had never heard about this magazine before, I think it is great that young girls have a magazine like this available to them.
This is a great magazine. I used to order it for my daughter when she was younger. It is a great youth friendly magazine about things that young girls are interested in. I really recommend it if you have a young daughter.