That headline was a mouthful wasn’t it? Have you ever thought to try and calculate your safe driving? I haven’t either but I thought I would a safe driving calculator to help me determine that. The point of this quick assessment is to determine if you are safe to drive at the moment.
That being said the tool is not meant to serve as an exact science because lets face it all you have to do is enter the wrong information and get a different answer. I of course am safe to drive at the moment because I haven’t had anything to drink. All you do is enter a little bit of information such as how many drinks you had and your weight and within a few seconds you have your results. Again you could enter less or more and get a different answer. It is handy to have though because if you are honest you can get a better idea of whether or not that last drink was simply one too many.
Although we all know that if you have even a single drink you shouldn’t be driving. That single drink could be the one that puts you at risk. Even though I should be able to handle more a single drink is enough for me to get a little tipsy and that is why I make a point of never driving. Safe driving is getting to be more and more important as I get older.
With teens getting ready to drive soon I want to make sure they are as safe as they can at all times. The only way to teach them to do that properly is by example and I work hard at being the best example for them that I can be. In fact I have even showed them the safe driving calculator and told them to give it a try. Now I know they haven’t had anything to drink but lets face it our kids want apps and computers to do and tell them everything so if this is another tool that may save their lives in the long run then I will use it.
What a great tool! I’m not a heavy drinker and I weigh 108 so it only takes me one drink to feel it too, so I never drink if I have to drive later that night. But I definitely agree that this could save lives!
It’s such an important topic and if this calculator helps connect teens to the importance of not drinking and driving, it’s worth it. Good info!
Interesting idea…I’ve never heard of this but then again hubsters and I don’t drink.
I’m passing this on to a relative who constantly uploads pictures while driving.
This is a great tool to raise awareness of habits that lead to distracted driving and other unsafe habits. Unsafe driving is rampant, unfortunately.
Safe driving is so important. Some people act reckless on the road because they think nothing could happen to them. This is a great tool to see if you are okay to drive.
Love that tool; I also believe in leading by example..I don’t ever drink then’s not worth it to family and I are much too important to do something idiotic like that!
I like that it can help a person see how quickly they shouldn’t be driving based on the information provided. My husband and I always make sure one of us doesn’t drink when we go out.
I know for me, too, that even a teeny wee bit of wine makes me giddy and I wouldn’t drive. It is good if it will help remind teens. Many ppl don’t realize that being very tired is as dangerous as having too many drinks, so watch out for that, too.
This driving calculator tool looks great. It’s great that a company would take the time to make a tool like this — and it definitely just spread awareness, whether a person uses the calculator or not.