As women we are faced with many choices in our lives. The most difficult is usually the Career vs Motherhood choice. Many already plan on going back to work from the moment they get pregnant while others know they want to stay home. There is a lot of criticism on both sides of that coin.
I am lucky enough to have a career (make no mistake blogging is a career) that allows me to stay home and earn a living while setting my own hours and taking care of my family. The down side is that I am the one person who is responsible for all of my work and as you all know I find myself so connected to work that I end up neglecting everything else. Not to mention that money doesn’t pour in contrary to what many may think, bloggers have to work for every penny.
As women we want to be there for every little milestone from the first time they walk to the first loose tooth. At the same time we want to have a career and feel the independence that comes with that. We want to be more than just a mom, we want to be a woman. I think the biggest and most important thing to remember is that we can be both and more.
First we have to learn to lay old stereotypes aside and no longer care what other people think. My mother was June Cleaver and she worked. I m not anything like her and that is okay. I am the best I can be which isn’t that bad. I know that I can be a mom, have a career, and focus on my faith without losing a single piece of myself.
Good post and well sell. I’m trying to make it work and learn to balance it all. No matter what I decide I get push back the other way.
I like how you stated this, I think you just have to be the best mom you can be whatever situation you are in. I have always been a work outside the home mom out of necessity, it is expensive to live in CA. I am not sure I would want to be a stay at home mom.
Great post! I worked through my 1st pregnancy and up to the day before I had my 2nd baby. Things fell into place and I was able to stay home after the birth of my 2nd. We now have 3 kids and I continue to be a stay at home mom. In September my babies will all be turing 1, 3 and 5!
I completely agree with the overall message of this post! Especially this: “First we have to learn to lay old stereotypes aside and no longer care what other people think.”
I think women these days have many more pressures than before, along with many more options. Trying to find a balance in what you want and what you can do is tough. I do think it’s completely possible to have both career and motherhood, but it’s also good to know that you are not any less of a woman if you have to make some adjustments while trying to accomplish both or decide to pursue one over the other. Your self-proclamation of being okay with not being a June Cleaver is encouraging!
This is a great post!! I think all mothers have struggled with this at some point. I used to be the main bread winner in our house but I wasn’t really happy. My husband and I made the choice to follow his career and I could work if I wanted to. I have been so lucky to be able to be there for my kids and stay home. I think the most important thing we all can do is support each other as mothers. What ever the situation.
It is hard to have a Career and be a Mother, but a lot of women there is no choice but to do both. There are so many wonderful mothers who work and take great care of their children. And a mother who is able to stay home, does a great job too.