Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! Another week down. Today is stormy here and as I lay here watching the rain and lighting I find the beauty in it all. The window had been covered in that green pollen.
Our Family
Health Update
I know that everyone is wanting to know more about my health. At this moment I am hoping to be able to go home with daily rehab. However, they are trying to decide if I can go home or if I should go to the rehabilitation center to stay for the next few weeks. Either…
Month in Review – February 2023
The second month of the year is already down and I actually wrote a couple of different posts for this month depending on how things went with my surgery. If you are reading this particular post it means they didn’t go as planned.
Friday Cocktails – February 24, 2023
Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! If you are a member of the VIP Group then you already know what is going on. That is where we are currently posting updates. However, I wanted to take the time to give a brief update for everyone else.
Friday Cocktails – February 10, 2023
Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! I was supposed to be home recovering from my surgery.However, things didn’t go as planned and I am currently in the hospital. Of course most things have been planned and I am thrilled that I was able to get things scheduled ahead…
This Lasix is No Joke
Raise your hand if you go potty first thing after you wake up every morning! Lok, it is something we all do and honestly not a big deal. For me I go potty then do my morning skincare routine. After that I come out and take my morning medication which includes Lasix. Now, if you…
Surgery Day
This morning I am getting ready to head out to the hospital and have surgery. It is a rather simple outpatient surgery however, there is always the chance that I could end up staying overnight. My poor mother is full of nerves this week. I’m having surgery and my brother headed out of town yesterday…
10 Fun Things You May Not Know About Me
I know I have done get to know me posts in the past. We have a lot of new readers and I thought it would be fun to do something a little similar today. A short meet me post for all of the new people and you may find something new for those who have…
Friday Cocktails – February 3, 2023
Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! It’s the beginning of February and it’s a rainy day here. It is not as cold as it was but it has been raining all week. Most of the time I love the rain but lately I have been hoping it would…
I Hate That Room
How many of you have seen the “family room” or rooms at the hospital? I know some emergency rooms have them as well as throughout the rest of the hospital. Let me tell you it is the one room in the entire hospital that I hate more than any other room. In fact Lani Lynn…