In Menu Monday we usually tell you what it is that we have planned on our menu for the week. It is part of a link up with Crossroads Media Hub and one that we all really like. However I haven’t been doing it in the last couple of weeks because I honestly never know…
Our Family
On Bended Knee
That is a position that I have not really been in, well in more weeks than I can tell you. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to pray or talk with God it was just that I found it easier to get through the day without having prayers unanswered without feeling the way I…
Spanish Word of the Week: To Beat
This week’s word is latir lah-teer’ (verb) which means to beat as in your heart. I actually really like this word but I have no idea why. Here are a couple of examples:
Thanks and Prayer Requests {7/13/14}
Another week down and it is that time again. This week I have mostly thanks! Thanks for all the little things, like the patience that I had to learnt o have more this week when everything seemed to be going wrong. I spent hours trying to get something right and then gave frustrated. The next…
Fantasy Friday: Bertram’s Hotel
Okay today’s choice is not actually a real place however it is believed that it was based on one of two hotels in London. I am a huge Agatha Christie fan and this one of my favorite movies is At Bertram’s Hotel. Miss Marple visits there and of course there is a murder or two.
Jumping Hay Bales
When I was a child and we visited my grandparents my siblings, cousins, and I always spent time in the fields jumping hay bales. It was a silly thing to do but for whatever reason we enjoyed it. We never thought about the fact that could be snakes there or even rats as both of…
Wordless Wednesday {7/9/14}
Wordless Wednesday {7/9/14}
Discover Unique Flavors of Mexico
When you think of Mexican food you probably think of chilies, avocados, and perhaps a few traditional flavors. You might be surprised to learn that there are many more authentic flavors of Mexico. They’re common in Mexico, but in the United States and abroad may seem unique. The tamarind is a tree that grows abundantly…
Spanish Word of the Week: Wise
This week’s word is: sabio sah’-byoh (adjective) which means wise. Which is what I tell my brother I am often! Here it is in a few examples: