This week’s word is: el ala ah’-lah (noun) which means wing; branch (of a political party). One thing to remember though is “Ala” is a feminine noun, but in the singular, it takes the masculine article “el” so that the “a” in “la” and the first “a” in “ala” don’t blend into each other.
Our Family
You May Have Noticed
You may have noticed not here but on my other blogs as well that I am not posting as often as I use to. The truth is I have been feeling a bit burnt out and depressed over the last couple of months. So I really cut back on how often I post and what…
Letting Go
I talked a couple of times recently about buying things that I didn’t need but felt like I had to do so. I had that with some other areas as well. I attempted to clean out the twins closets and get rid of all the old clothing that they no longer wore. After all they growing…
Put the Phone Down Mom!
That is what I heard recently! We were watching a movie and as I always do I pulled out my phone to check my emails. My children just looked at me and finally Daniel said “put the phone down mom! You never watch the movie! You are always on your phone!”
Join Me for the #DisneyJuniorFamilia 10 Day Photo Challenge
This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and Disney Junior. However, all opinions expressed are my own. Starting on June 9th I will taking part in the #DisneyJuniorFamilia 10-Day Photo Challenge. Each day for the next 10 days I will be posting a different photo on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram….
Corn Bake
This is a recipe that I actually got from my Grandmother and although I don’t make it often it is actually very good. I usually make it on a day when I have either been really busy or we need something good and hearty for dinner.
Mexican Food 101
Ready to start cooking more Mexican dishes? Before you get started it may be helpful to have a basic understanding of the different traditional dishes. I can tell you that once I understood these better it made cooking the dishes all the more easier. Let’s take a look at them individually.
Spanish Word of the Week: Honest
Okay this weeks word is a good and one that I work very hard to tell my children to always be! It is íntegro een’-teh-groh (adjective) which means complete, whole; honest, upright. Here are a couple of examples:
Monday’s Menu 6/2/14
This week’s menu is acutally a repeat of a few weeks ago but everyone enjoyed it and I am sort of at a lost as to what to make this week..
Hagar :The Neglected Maid Servant
We have talked about Sarah but what about Hagar? The story of Hagar can be found in the book of Genesis, the sixteenth chapter. Hagar is the Egyptian woman, who was the maidservant of Sarah, Abraham’s wife. Many theologians believe that Hagar was given to Abraham and Sarah by the King of Egypt as a…