I really love finding these because they are sometimes just simply so perfect! Some days they are just what I need to hear to get through the day while others really make me laugh at times. I hope that you all enjoy them as well.
Our Family
When God Won’t Stop Pushing
You saw the changes that I made around here. I saw this theme the other day and really loved it but said I didn’t have the money to spend on this right now. The truth was I was purposely not writing over here because I have been well indifferent I guess (another post) and was…
Monday’s Menu {4/28}
Over at Crossroads Media Hub we have several new series starting and I could not be happier! One of the new things is where we share our menu for either the day or the week every Monday. To be honest this really makes me think because I have no idea what I was planning on…
Spanish Word of the Week: Naturally
I love this week’s word! It is naturalmente nah-too-rahl-mehn’-teh (adverb) which means naturally. It is a word used often in my home. Here it is in a couple of examples:
Weekly Thanks and Prayers {4/27/14}
We didn’t have any last week so we actually have two weeks worth of thanks and prayers. I am thankful for so many things! My family and my amazing children who surprise me more and more everyday. My mother who even though she gets on my nerves still tries to be the super woman and…
The Nut Job Movie Giveaway
Surly, a curmudgeon, independent squirrel is banished from his park and forced to survive in the city. Lucky for him, he stumbles on the one thing that may be able to save his life, and the rest of park community, as they gear up for winter – Maury’s Nut Store. The Nut Job came to…
Learning from Moses
We all know the story of Moses and the exodus. There is a lot that we can take away from that story. Most people if course take away the Ten Commandments because after all that is one of the most important parts of the story. After all leading people out of bondage and into the…
Crock-pot Pork Gravy
I don’t use my crock-pot as often as I should. The reason being my big one broke and I only have a small sauce size one. However every once in a while I use it to make this great Pork Gravy that I use over rice or potatoes. I do this most of the time…
Shop Your Way Member Assist
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I am a Shop Your Way blogger and all opinions are my own. I love being a Shop Your Way member! I do there are so many advantages and now they have the new Member Assist to help me connect with not only my favorite store but my favorite associate…
We Are a Lot Like the Jiménez Family #LaFamiliaDeHoy
Disclosure: This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and Johnson and Johnson. I received both monetary compensation and products to use. If you will remember in December I told you about Johnson and Johnson’s La Familia De Hoy and introduced you to the families who were in the running. Well…