I was planning on posting this last week but last week was so out of control for me. So I figured why not do it this week. Vanilla French Toast is something that my mother in-law told me about. Apparently they make often in Mexico and while I had only ever added spices and such…
Our Family
Easter was Both Good and Bittersweet
This was our first Easter without Edgar here and it was both good and bittersweet. The kids of course never noticed or if they did they mention it. They enjoyed their baskets and had a really good day.
The Big Bang
One of the first arguments over whether God exists or doesn’t has to be about the Big Bang. There simply is noway around it. many people argue you can’t create something out of nothing, only God can do that. the truth of the matter is that science can create something out of nothing. It has…
Spanish Word of the Week: Restore
This week’s word is restaurar reh-stah-oo-rahr’ (verb) which sounds more like restaurant but means to restore, to reinstate. Let’s see it in an example or two:
Friday Fantasy-Ireland
Over at Crossroads Media Hub we have a new weekly series called Friday Fantasy where we share the places we would like to go and what we would like to do if we went there. This week I have choose Ireland. Here are a few things that I would do there:
Happy Easter
In observance of Good Friday and the Easter weekend there will be no posts here until next week. Happy Easter and God Bless each of you!
Inspire:Faith and WiFi
Planning New Meals with Plated.com
You all know how much I like trying new things especially food. Well I recently learned about Plated.com and I realized they could really help me plan new meals. Although I have yet to try them out I know that they would be amazing! Let me tell you why!
The 40 Cup Coffee Urn
I recently had to change out of coffee pot because we were making three or four pots a morning. When I say we I really mean my mother and my uncle. So I purchased this 40 cup commercial urn for us to use. What was their response? I think my uncle was a little ashamed….
Not All One Sided
Ed Yourdon / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) One thing that I realized is that when I share the separation and things I am going through with all of you all you hear is my side of things. After all that is the purpose of a blog.