This week’s word is one that is important to learn . It is: igualmente ee-goo-ahl-mehn’-teh (adverb) which means equally. We all want to be treated equally regardless of what our language is!
Our Family
Shedding Winter and Springing into Healthier Living #HMSpring
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with the Niche Parent Network & Conference. All opinions are my own. I am so glad that winter is finally behind us (fingers crossed and sorry if you still have snow) because this one seems to have been a long one. One thing about the winter is that I always…
Weekly Thanks and Prayers {4/6/14}
Another week down and I must say I feel much stronger this week. My brother came to visit and we had a nice couple of days. I also got a treadmill and while my legs are killing me I am excited about it.
Keeping Food Warm
Ever have those days when you are cooking something and you need to keep things warm as you go? For example when I was making the pancakes I wanted all of them to stay warm as I went. I didn’t want to have to heat up anything again. So realized that there was a very…
Buttermilk Pancakes
Trying to come up with what we will have for breakfast seven days a week can be difficult. I try to make sure that we eat hot meals as many days I can and I try to keep them simple. I have found the less complicated breakfast is the better for all of us. Something…
Wordless Wednesday: Wine
Ask Hunter Hayes a Question & Help End #ChildHunger
Disclosure: I am a Child Hunger Ends Here Ambassador. All opinions are 100% my own. I am not sure if you all remember but a few weeks ago I talked about how you could help end child hunger. It was as simple as purchasing special marked packages of food and then entering a code. There are…
Does God Really Exist?
That is a question that millions of people ask themselves everyday. We would all be liars if we say we have never not even once in our lives questioned the existence of God. Everyone does at one time or another. Maybe a prayer that was never answered or something horrible that is going on and…
Spanish Word of the Week: Question
The word for this week is: la pregunta preh-goon’-tah (noun) which means question.
Weekly Thanks and Prayer Requests {4/6}
Well I am finally back with the weekly thanks and prayers. Things have been a mixed bag lately for me. I received some bad news and then this dress that I had ordered for something particular showed up and I had a full scale meltdown. As much as it hurt I still went ahead ordering…