You all know how much I like trying new things especially food. Well I recently learned about and I realized they could really help me plan new meals. Although I have yet to try them out I know that they would be amazing! Let me tell you why!
Our Family
The 40 Cup Coffee Urn
I recently had to change out of coffee pot because we were making three or four pots a morning. When I say we I really mean my mother and my uncle. So I purchased this 40 cup commercial urn for us to use. What was their response? I think my uncle was a little ashamed….
Not All One Sided
Ed Yourdon / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) One thing that I realized is that when I share the separation and things I am going through with all of you all you hear is my side of things. After all that is the purpose of a blog.
Spanish Word of the Week: Equally
This week’s word is one that is important to learn . It is: igualmente ee-goo-ahl-mehn’-teh (adverb) which means equally. We all want to be treated equally regardless of what our language is!
Shedding Winter and Springing into Healthier Living #HMSpring
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with the Niche Parent Network & Conference. All opinions are my own. I am so glad that winter is finally behind us (fingers crossed and sorry if you still have snow) because this one seems to have been a long one. One thing about the winter is that I always…
Weekly Thanks and Prayers {4/6/14}
Another week down and I must say I feel much stronger this week. My brother came to visit and we had a nice couple of days. I also got a treadmill and while my legs are killing me I am excited about it.
Keeping Food Warm
Ever have those days when you are cooking something and you need to keep things warm as you go? For example when I was making the pancakes I wanted all of them to stay warm as I went. I didn’t want to have to heat up anything again. So realized that there was a very…
Buttermilk Pancakes
Trying to come up with what we will have for breakfast seven days a week can be difficult. I try to make sure that we eat hot meals as many days I can and I try to keep them simple. I have found the less complicated breakfast is the better for all of us. Something…
Wordless Wednesday: Wine
Ask Hunter Hayes a Question & Help End #ChildHunger
Disclosure: I am a Child Hunger Ends Here Ambassador. All opinions are 100% my own. I am not sure if you all remember but a few weeks ago I talked about how you could help end child hunger. It was as simple as purchasing special marked packages of food and then entering a code. There are…