That is a question that millions of people ask themselves everyday. We would all be liars if we say we have never not even once in our lives questioned the existence of God. Everyone does at one time or another. Maybe a prayer that was never answered or something horrible that is going on and…
Our Family
Spanish Word of the Week: Question
The word for this week is: la pregunta preh-goon’-tah (noun) which means question.
Weekly Thanks and Prayer Requests {4/6}
Well I am finally back with the weekly thanks and prayers. Things have been a mixed bag lately for me. I received some bad news and then this dress that I had ordered for something particular showed up and I had a full scale meltdown. As much as it hurt I still went ahead ordering…
Noah on the Brain
I have been reading Acts in the Bible but for some reason Noah has been on my mind for a while now. I don’t know if it is because of the movie and all the previews or for some other reason. In fact I had another post planned for today but put that aside to…
Shorten Work Days Makes Me More Productive
I started a new daily work schedule for myself not so long ago. I began it in three parts. The biggest reason was because I was beginning to feel overwhelmed and needed to get more grounded.
Wordless Wednesday: Healthy
I wanted something light and starches like rice an potatoes can be heavy.
Planning for Easter
Easter is this month and I am working on the plans and getting clothes and baskets ready for everyone! It is funny that the one holiday where we really don’t have to do a whole lot there is a ton to do. We have sunrise services at church and while I don’t do a big…
Fall in Love with Shop Your Way MAX #ad
Disclosure: I am a Sears blogger, though all opinions are my own. There are millions of reasons to love Max. Max opens doors and carries your bags. He brings gifts (delivered in two-days or less!). Max is the real deal. And at just $39/year, he’s a steal. The other guy is just past his PRIME. Let’s face…
Spanish Word of the Week: The Rest
The word for this week is demás deh-mahs’ (adjective) which means the rest or the others. A few examples of this word in use are: