When it snowed I took this great picture of the backyard at night. Everything looked so peaceful and calm. There wasn’t a sound.
Our Family
Inspire: My New Favorite Quote
I am loving this quote! To be honest I never thought about things this way until I saw this quote. How many times have you heard or do you even say how beautiful the stars are? Take a few moments tonight and go outside (if it’s not too cold) and just look up. Aren’t they…
Patience: Rebekah
More Good Foundation / Foter / CC BY-NC We learn Rebekah’s story in Genesis Chapters 24-27. She becomes the wife of Issac through an unusual manner, at least by today’s standards. Abraham’s servant is sent to find a wife for Issac and told to bring her back but not to take Issac there. The servant…
Pictures at Funerals
wakingphotolife: / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND Do any if you take pictures at funerals? I do not and think it is so morbid. Now I realize that people enjoy doing that but those pictures just aren’t any that I would ever want to see again. I don’t understand this particular obsession and I never really…
Spanish Word of the Week: Distant
Another week and another word. Actually I am familiar with this word as it seems how my marriage has been for some time now. This week’s word is: lejano leh-hah’-no (adjective) which means distant, far-off. Now lets see it in a couple of examples:
Weekly Thanks and Prayer Requests {2/16/14}
VinothChandar / Foter / CC BY Another week and another day of thanks and prayer requests. I try to write these before Sunday because I am going to be honest and tell you that I am rarely actually online on Sundays. I spend that time with my family and church. It is important to me…
Loving Kleenex Box in My Home Style
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post by Kleenex. However all opinions are 00% my own. We buy a lot of Kleenex around here, all year long. We use them for so many different things, in fact I even keep a box in the car. Over the years I have done a lot to make that…
Checking Out Spiegel and Newport News
Disclosure: I was financially compensated for this post. However the opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the brands in the past. All images have been used with permission. You all know how much I love to find great things. When I was asked if I had heard of Spiegel and Newport News,…
Disney Side @ Home Celebration Party Themed Reveal
You may remember last week or so I shared with you all the wonderful things that were sent to me for my Disney Side @ Home Celebration and told you all that I would reveal our party theme to you very soon. Well here it goes………..
Familia Time with The Jungle Book #LoMasVital #BareNecessities #ad
Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and Disney Studios. However, all opinions expressed are my own. Si bien este post forma parte de una campaña patrocinada con Latina Mom Bloggers y Disney Studios , las opiniones expresadas son mías. Esta advertencia se hace en cumplimiento de las Directivas de la Comisión Federal de Comercio…