I don’t know if any if you have ever been to a rosary service but what happens is the priest says a few things, there a reading and then the rosary is recited. Sounds simple right? WRONG! In any other family chances are it is very simple but lets face it we are anything but…
Our Family
Spanish Word of the Week: Slow
The word for this week is lento lehn’-toh (adjective) which means slow. I can relate to this word as I am sure that many of you can. My kids are super lento when doing their chores form time to time and the mailman is always lento getting here. I don’t get my mail until about 5…
Patience is a Virtue
Abdulmajeed Al.mutawee || twitter.com/almutawee / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA That one line really says a lot doesn’t it? We all know that patience is a virtue but it is not something that we all have a grasp of. Right now I want you all to answer one question without thinking about it, a simple yes…
Teenagers and Addiction: What You Can Do to Help
For many parents, the prospect of their child becoming embroiled with drugs, alcohol or other addictive substances is their worst nightmare. Sadly, with studies indicating that 46% of high school students use addictive substances regularly (to the point where teenage substance abuse is actually classed as an epidemic in the US) this nightmare is becoming a reality for…
Del Monte Fruit Makes Snack Time Easy! {Giveaway}
Disclosure: I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product. When we have snack time around here typically the first foods that are reached for are the sugary sweets. Well in an effort to eat better and get healthier I have…
Weekly Thanks and Prayer Request {2/9/14}
dynamosquito / Foter / CC BY-SA Another week gone in this new month and this is one of the shortest months of the year o time will really fly by. Isn’t crazy? The funny thing is that February last year I had such high hopes and plans and now they seem like it was all…
Medicare Part D and Making the Switch #WalgreensLatino #ad
Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and Walgreens. However, all opinions expressed are my own. As the caregiver of mi mama and mi tio I have had to learn a lot about Medicare and other senior care things. Many of these things were very confusing and I had to muddle…
Wordless Wednesday: Ice on the Car
As many of you know we had snow and ice this past week and this is what the car looked like after about 10 minutes. Once the ice started it stuck and quickly.
Inspire: I Wish I Could Say This
I found this on Pinterest and I wish it was something I could say to Edgar or at the least made sure he saw it. It is one of those oh so true quotes that for women makes us feel better. It is something that men (and women) need to think about as well. It…
Krystal til Midnight
Paul Lowry / Foter / CC BY I told you all that I would share some of the things that went on at all of the funerals I had to go to and here is the first story.On Monday night we attended my Grandpa’s wake and rosary (Catholics have a whole thing for funerals that…