Recently, I bought a new planner, thinking it would be a good thing. I had some custom stickers made and began using them. What I quickly discovered was that it was okay but not what I needed. It was too big and bulky to carry in my purse, and I really needed to carry one…
Our Family
Good Friday
I originally posted this back in 2017, but I thought it would be a great refresher on how and why we celebrate Good Friday. Today is Good Friday, which for me means a meatless night. Normally we have fish every Friday, but since tonight is a special one, we are having a big fish fry….
Why Catholics Have Confession
For those who have followed me on one of my other blogs, you probably already know that I am Roman Catholic. What is confession? Why do Catholics have it, and why do I go? Confession (you may hear it called the Sacrament of Reconciliation or something similar) is when you go inside the confessional (that…
Struggling with Body Image
I passed by the mirror in my bedroom recently and saw myself. I have put back on a few pounds and am struggling a bit with the diet the doctor has me on. It is something we are working on together. Anyway, I looked in the mirror and all I thought was, “What a fat…
My Favorite Workout Shoe
Not so long ago, I had to get new workout shoes. I walked so much that I had holes in the bottom of my old ones. I had never had to say that before and was so proud of myself. I loved the shoes I had because they were comfortable. I tried to get something…
About Dying
When they told me I had chf (congestive heart failure), my doctor said that the best outcome we could hope for was five years. At the moment, they simply couldn’t give me more than that. The hope was for longer, and there are plenty of people who live longer than that, but he didn’t want…
An Updated About Me.. Sort Of
Last week, I realized I needed to update my bio not only on the blog, but also across all of my social media platforms.That got me to thinking about how odd this whole world of blogging and social media can be. I mean, we all spend so much time scrolling through someone’s feed or reading…
Friday Cocktails – March 25, 2022
Friday has rolled around again and that means it is time for Friday Cocktails! This week is the week for a good stiff drink. Let me tell you it has been Monday every single day of the week it seems. Like no matter what went on it felt like Monday and all the hectic craziness…
Why Do Doctors Do This
I recently went to the doctor to get my test results. I had an echocardiogram, a carotid ultrasound, stress test, and had to wear a heart monitor done. So getting the results were easy. The heart clinic I go to uses My Chart which means I saw most of the results prior to my appointment.
Friday Cocktails – March 18, 2022
Friday has rolled around again and that means it is time for Friday Cocktails! Drafting and prepping these last few months was one of the best ideas I had. It means I can do just a little bit of work on each one and then it is ready. All I have to do is type…