Abdulmajeed Al.mutawee || twitter.com/almutawee / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA When I was growing up my daddy would say “Do what I say, not what I do.” It was his answer for many different occasions and I swore I would never use it until the day that I did. When it first came out I couldn’t…
Our Family
Wordless Wednesday: Getting Organized
I have been cleaning and working on getting organized. This hAppy printer has been helping me like you would not believe!
Spare the Rod
mdanys / Foter.com / CC BY Spare the rod spoil the child. That is the biblical passage that my parents parented by and many others do as well. That doesn’t mean my parents where bad parents. We were expected to behave ourselves and there were consequences when we didn’t. I am a different parent. I am…
Inspiration Tuesday {1/14/14}
This week’s saying comes from Catherine the Great and think that even though it reads a man, it is very relevant for a woman, The more a man knows, the more he forgives. ~Catherine the Great
Spanish Word of the Week: A Voice
I am a little late getting this up this week. It should have gone live first thing this morning. Anyway, here is the word for this week: La Voz bohs (noun) which means voice. Here are a few examples of how it is used:
Journey through Ruth: Love at First Sight
If the saying Love at First Sight never really held true for you then perhaps chapter 2 of the Book of Ruth will show you it exists. Ruth goes to glean the left over grain in the fields. She just happens to glean in the field of Boaz who is related to Naomi through her…
A Breath of Fresh Air {Prayer Requests}
kern.justin / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND I love the cold weather! I do because there is nothing better than going out into the cold and taking a breath of fresh air. That cold air is so refreshing I feel as though I can accomplish anything. During the winter we all tend to spend so much…
Saturday Thanks for 1/11/14
Looking back over this week I have a lot to be thankful for. First of all I managed to get a little ahead in my work which means I will not be so rushed with things. I love when I get ahead because I feel like I can breathe. So I am thankful for that.
6 Preservatives That Parents Should Avoid Giving to Their Kids
As a parent, you do everything possible to protect your child — including providing her or him with healthy snacks and meals. But how healthy are these choices, really? Packaging can be misleading at best, and the latest information passed around via word of mouth can end up being as frustratingly inaccurate as a game…
The Alarm That Wasn’t Supposed To Be
Brandon Christopher Warren / Foter.com / CC BY-NC I have been talking to myself, saying that I need to get up earlier so I can pray and spend a little more time with God. I know it is something that I need to work more on and I am trying. I am taking it one…