Each and every day we should be thankful for something in our lives. The problem is we get so busy and life gets so hectic that we forget to be thankful. So I thought why not have a thankful day post on Saturdays. For most of us it is the end of the week and…
Our Family
The First 30
Every morning I get up about 30 minutes early and spend that time praying and connecting with God. Those first 30 minutes of the day set the tone for my entire day. Without them I don’t know how I would manage to get through the day anymore. That time allows me to focus and prepare…
Life is Messy
That statement could not be more true! Life is very messy and it seems there are times when it is more messy than others. The true test of is how we handle the messy times. I am guilty of hiding from the mess and looking for someone to blame whether it be myself, someone else,…
Weight Loss Check In
Synergy by Jasmine / Foter.com / CC BY-ND You all know that last year I worked hard to lose weight. Then life happened and I have gained some of it back due to all of the stress and other things. So here I am once again with the resolution to get healthy and lose weight….
New Year’s Resolutions
williamcho / Foter.com / CC BY-SA Well the new year is finally year and if you follow me at This Faithful Life you will have read my personal resolutions. My blogging life has many if their own and here is a little of what I hope to accomplish this year:
The Book of Ruth
Now that we have made our way through the book of Esther I thought we would go through the book of Ruth. If you are new to these series you will find that I am anything but a pastor. I read through each book and talk about what I gain from them. You can follow…
Celebrating Día de Reyes (Three Kings Day) #JCPenneyLatino #RealLatinoHolidays
Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and JCPenney. However, all opinions expressed are my own. Christmas is over but for Latino families(and many Christians) the holiday season is not yet over. The holidays are over until after Día de Reyes which is Three Kings Day or Epiphany and is celebrated on January 6th. It is the…
williamcho / Foter.com / CC BY-SA With the new year here it is time to make resolutions. I have so many and like most people I know that many will fall by the wayside as the year goes on. However I am still going to make them and try. Here are my resolutions:
Spanish Word of the Week {Deep}
Today’s word is something the deep thinkers of history studied! It is: la filosofía fee-loh-soh-fee’-ah (noun) which means philosophy.
Resolve More {Prayer Requests}
Pilottage / Foter.com / CC BY The new year will be here in a matter of days! This new year in the infinite list of resolutions that I am working on making along with everyone else int eh world there is more that I have made and will be keeping. It is a very simple…