After giving it a lot of thought Esther goes to the king and surprisingly he is very happy to see her. As we get through Chapter 5 Esther puts her plan into action asking the king to have a feast with just her and Haman.
Our Family
The Nativity Story
I have been talking a lot about Mary, Joseph, and the birth of Jesus. We all know the story or at least the condensed version of it. We watched the movies about Jesus’ life and death. However one of my favorite movies this time of the year is The Nativity Story.
Wordless Wednesday: Favorite Pen
I got this pen in with my Rhonda Shear items and it is now my new favorite. This is a great pen!
Thoughtful Gifts
This holiday season is already in full swing. Black Friday and Cyber Monday came and went with a bang, although it was more like Black Cyber Week this year. However there are still gifts to be bought and plenty of people to make angry.
Help Support Mistified
You all know how I love sharing new movies with you. Well I have one to share that you can help support and make a reality. It is Mistified with Kathy Wilson as a producer. Kathy was the casting director for the Conversation with God and Indigo movies, both of which were wonderful I might add.
I woke up this morning at 5 am! I don’t know why I did but I was wide awake. I have beenlaying in the bed reading and trying to wake up when I thought I would head over and check out Newspring Church. It is the church that I attend when I go to my…
Spanish Word of the Week {Some Peace}
Today’s word is perfect because it is something we all want a little of! It is: tranquilamente trahn-kee-lah-mehn’-teh (adverb) which means calmly, peacefully
Sink or Swim
I read a book by that same title many years ago. It was a really good book and I can’t remember the author now but it was one of those books where everything seems to go wrong only to turn out right. I hadn’t thought about that book lately until it crossed my mind this…
Kristian Regale Peach Red Velvet Cupcakes
Here are the other cupcakes that I made for our holiday get together. These were so good and I must say it was really hard not to drink all of the Kristian Regale Peach Sparkling Juice. It was by far the most delicious of all of the juices. I hope that you all enjoy these.
Kristian Regale Black Currant Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes
Cupcakes….the holidays here at my house would not be the same without them. This year I cam up with two wonderful twists using Kristian Regale Sparkling Juice Beverages that I know you are all going to enjoy.