Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links which means I make earn a small amount if clicked. Making the best of a road trip with Little Passports Travel Tips “Are we there yet?” was a term coined by the family road trip! While new technology and toys may have silenced backseat conversations, spending time together in…
Our Family
I was watching Criminal Minds recently ( I am not going into any details as it was bad) and thought am I sometimes that narcissistic?
Spanish Word of the Week {11/4/13}
This week’s Spanish Word of the Week is: condicionado kohn-dee-see-oh-nah’-doh (adjective) conditioned
Every Day is a Big Day with Scholastic and Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini Wheats®
Do you have moments with your family everyday? It is something that is so very important and Every Day is a Big Day with Scholastic and Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini Wheats® want to help you achieve that with their Every Day is a Big Day program. This is a program that I am so pleased to…
Tithing on a Bloggers Salary
As a Catholic I am expected to tithe. In fact the church even provides us with pre-printed envelopes so we may do just that. There are various charities and church needs that I can tithe my money to as well. The problem is how in the world do I manage to tithe and live on a…
Beauty and More
My sister in laws are all beautiful women! They truly are and there are times when I look at them and think I just don’t compare in any way.For starters they all take the time to dress themselves well no matter what the occasion. While most days I wear a pair of sweats and a…
Saying Grace
Do you say grace before meals? We use to do it all the time and teach the kids but somehow we have gotten away from it.
College Student Debt {An Infographic}
Here is an infographic about College Student Debt. Infographic is courtesy of Consolidated Credit
What I Wore {to Brunch}
I had brunch recently with some friends and I wanted to use this great purse I had. The problem was I didn’t have anything that really matched it. So I wore the outfit above. The wide legged pants are my favorite and I am sure you will see them again. The bracelet is courtesy of…
Blogtober Day 20
Today is the last day and it could not be more fitting: Tell us about your favorite Halloween!