Well after today there are only 4 more of these left! the topic for today is: Write about a time you screwed up – a mistake you made.
Our Family
Beba Agua y Gana!
Tú recordará que le dije todo sobre Nestlé ® Pure Life® recientemente. Quiero compartir un poco más de los beneficios y el sorteo con tú. Todos sabemos lo importante que es mantenerse hidratado y para mantener a nuestros hijos de esa manera. Cuando se golpea fuera de una que está haciendo actividad física alcanza para el agua es genial,…
Back to School with CampusBookRentals
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with CampusBookRents. However all opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours. I have actually been thinking about taking a couple of college classes. You know just a few refresher courses because I don’t have a enough to do. One thing that has been holding me back…
I’m Not a Hairstylist! Misconceptions about Supercuts #franchising
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with Supercuts. However all opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours. That’s right I am not a hairstylist but if I wanted to owns hair salon I could easily. I could own a Supercuts franchise an I don’t have to be a hairstylists. That is one of…
Great Tips for Dealing with Storage Problems
Hoarders. We’ve all seen them on TV – the people who just can’t bear to throw anything away so end up living in cramped houses surrounded by mountains of junk. The website, ‘The Age’ did a piece on them entitled “All Too Much: The People Who Can’t Let Go” and there’s even a cleaning service…
Blogtober Day 15
Another day and another Blogtober post! Today’s topic is: A “life lately” post. What you’re up to, how you’re feeling, how you’re doing on your goals, etc.
A Faithful Marriage
Just what is a faithful marriage? Is it when neither spouse commits adultery? What if one does? Does that mean the marriage is over completely?
Over Analyzing
As a woman do you over analyze things? I know that is something that I am very guilty of! I don’t mean to do that but I do. For example I received a text message from my hubby last night. It was very sweet but by the time I got done breaking it done and…
Blogtober Day 14
Only a few more days of Blogtober left and today’s topic is: React to this term: comfort.
Blogtober Day 13
Today’s topic is pretty good and I have a lot IO can say about it: React to this term: food.