As a woman do you over analyze things? I know that is something that I am very guilty of! I don’t mean to do that but I do. For example I received a text message from my hubby last night. It was very sweet but by the time I got done breaking it done and…
Our Family
Blogtober Day 14
Only a few more days of Blogtober left and today’s topic is: React to this term: comfort.
Blogtober Day 13
Today’s topic is pretty good and I have a lot IO can say about it: React to this term: food.
Prayers of the Rosary
I promised you I would share the prayers of the rosary. Below are the prayers that I pray when I say my rosary. These are not the Mysteries which I will share with you in the next couple of days.
Make A Commitment to Safe Driving
Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and State Farm. However, all opinions expressed are my own. I have been talking to you about safe driving and teens. State Farm’s Celebrate My Drive campaign is all about just that and let’s face it, this is super important. This campaign was created because State Farm…
A Little Inspiration!
Blogtober Day 12
Okay I admit that today is not an easy one for me. I mean what photos do I post? The topic by the way is: Only photos
Spanish Word of the Week {10/21/13}
The Spanish word for this week is: adicional ah-dee-see-oh-nahl’ and adjective which means additional or extra. Some examples of the word in use are:
All the Small Things {Prayer Requests}
I was talking with God yesterday, yes I do that, and told him about all the small things I need.Actually told him that sometimes if he would help me a bit and answer the small prayers (you know the ones that he thinks just aren’t important) then the bigger things is wanting from me might…
Blogtober 11
Wow it is hard to believe we are already to Day 11! Today I am writing about: A memory you would love to relive.