Today is difficult and easy: Write a public love letter to someone on your life.
Our Family
Blogtober Day 9
Today is supposed to be a self portrait.That is not always easy especially when you can be as critical of yourself as I can be. So I thought I would do something a bit different.The image above is how everyone think I look. All put together and calm, the woman who can get a million…
Blogtober Day 8
Today I am sharing How blogging or social media has changed me. Wow! Where to begin, well blogging has given me something to call my own. Before I was someone’s wife or someone’s mother or someone’s daughter, etc. I was never just me.
Blogtober Day 7
On day 7 of Blogtober I am writing about: Share link to your favorite online shop, and maybe a photo or two of a some favorite items!
Donating to Goodwill
Do you donate things that you no longer need? We do and work hard to make sure the kids understand how important it is to donate.Every year around this time we go through all of the kids toys, clothes, and other things and donate anything thy no longer use, wear, etc.
Apps that Match the Woman of Today
This is the era where modern technology doesn’t only cater to the needs of men who are known to be gadget-fanatics but it’s also a period where women can also benefit from latest trends in mobile phone technology. Mobile devices today aren’t only used as an instrument for communication. These are tools that help the…
Parenting Challenge: Out and About
This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Huggies. However, all opinions expressed are my own. Heading out and about when you have babies can be difficult (I don’t mean when you are traveling but just running around doing errands and such.) If I am going out with the twins and will…
Great Pictures
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. However all opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours. Have you noticed that more and more my pictures have started to get better? No I am not using a new camera, it is the same old one. I have simply finally discovered how to stage them…
Getting Ready for Cold Season #WalgreensLatino
This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and Walgreens. However, all opinions expressed are my own. Cold season is quickly approaching and I am dreading it! I hate cold season because it gets here, everyone gets sick, and I am never prepared for it. Well not this year! This year I have…
Out of the Darkness: How God Repair My Broken Faith and Relationship
This series is for God: Thank you for never giving up on me even when I gave up on you. “It is no longer the same way.” That is the text that shattered my world. A million thoughts went through my mind and I fell to my knees. I am getting ahead of myself though.