Raising culturally proud kids is not an easy task. As an American I am very proud of my heritage as mixed and blended as it is. I am part Cherokee Indian and French which is a unique blend but that is what being an American is all about.For Edgar being Mexican is just as important….
Our Family
Wordless Wednesday: My New Toy
I got a new computer a couple of weeks ago and I could not be happier! It does so many different things that allow me to work much more effectively.
Your Wedding Vows #BEWedding
The most important part of any wedding are the vows. They are the words any bride waits not only to say but to hear. The hardest thing nowadays is deciding what vows you are going to say. You no longer have to choose the traditional route, although you certainly can if that is what you…
Alligators {Prayer Requests}
I was reading in a book earlier this week and the author was talking about all of her “alligators.” You know all the things that attempt to pull you off path and get into your way. The week has been full of alligators for me. We put my uncle in a nursing home this week and…
Choosing an Officiant #BEWedding
Nowadays when you are planning your wedding you have options as to who will officiate your ceremony. Knowing those options can help you make an informed decision and make your day much more special. Choosing an officiant can be as formal or a casual as you want it to be. The biggest tip is to consider the theme and tone of your wedding before you begin making your decision.
Costs of Moving
The cost of moving can be huge depending on where you are moving to and if you need to hire help or not. I remember the first time we made a big move (or at least the first time I can remember.) The men in the big truck pulled up and began packing and loading…
DIY Home Repairs
Some of you may remember that last year I redid the backsplash in my kitchen. It was nasty looking and I was able to make it look beautiful again (as you can see above.) I was very surprised that I could do all of that all by myself but I did. I found the kit…
House Buying While in the Military
[maxbutton id=”10″] When you are in the military sometimes the last thing you think about is house buying. However it will happen! You will get to a duty station, fall in love with the town and then begin to look for a home to call yours when you get out or even while you are…
Wordless Wednesday: The Longest Line
I recently had to get a money order at Walmart and I stood in this line for, I kid you not, 20 minutes! This was crazy but I did learn one thing…..Don’t go to the Walmart Money Center on the 3rd of the Month!!
Lunches Around the World with Little Passports
[maxbutton id=”9″] Checkout out some of these Lunches Around the World with Little Passports! They all look so good that I am not sure which one I want to try first. Tell me what you think and which one you think I should try out to begin with? Kids around the world are preparing to go back…