[maxbutton id=”10″] I rarely buy a DVD anymore! I am serious, most of the DVDs that I get now are the ones sent to me for reviews. I use Netflix and stream everything on my D link box because it is so much easier. I can watch in the living room or the bedroom and…
Our Family
Caregiving Can Be Difficult
This post was brought to you by J Women’s Network and Genworth. All opinions are my own. I am the primary caregiver for my mother, my uncle, and other relatives. I am the person who makes the doctor’s appointments, orders medication refills, and everything in between that comes with it. Let me tell you that…
Better Late Than Never {Prayer Request 9/8/13}
I am super late getting the prayer request up today. If you have been following me over at Facebook you know that I got a new computer Friday afternoon and have been hard at work trying to get it all set up and everything organized. It is not an easy task. However it is better…
Before Moving
[maxbutton id=”10″] Moving is something that I both enjoyed and hated growing up. I enjoyed it because there was always the thrill of a new place but hated all the work that came with it. I learned that there was a lot of things that you need to know and do before moving. The first…
Late Nights
Lately, for whatever reason I have worked many late nights. I usually am up and about early in the morning and get things done but here in the last few weeks I have found myself wide awake at 2am. Since there is nothing else to do I have begun working. It was great at first…
Military Housing and Kids {Infographic}
[maxbutton id=”10″] When I was growing up we moved a lot but thankfully we never had to live in military housing. We always loved off base because military housing and kids wasn’t something that my dad wanted to experience. Each move was always stressful but then there was always the new school. When we finally…
A Light in the Dark {Prayer Requests}
So many times we focus on the darkness that we never see the smallest light that is shining in the corner. Maybe even just a small beam of light through the curtains in the darkest of rooms. That light is God and he is doing his best to tell you everything is going to be…
BE Society Wedding #BEWedding
Welcome to the Blogging Empire (BE) Society Wedding Series! All throughout the month of September BE Society bloggers will be sharing wedding tips with you. This series came about because one of members is getting remarried and another is getting married next years. When a little advice was sought our bloggers sprang into action and…
September 30 Day Challenge #besociety #30daysofpics
BE Society’s September 30 Challenge is a 30 day picture challenge. There are a couple of days where a picture might be difficult, so if you have to write something on some days and not have a pic that is fine! If you want to know the ones Nichole, our fearless leader, thinks would be…
Moving Trends
www.1800packrat.com[maxbutton id=”10″]How many times have you moved? I am a former military brat so I have moved a lot. I found this infographic on moving trends very interesting. I did not realize that 37% of American have never moved from their hometowns. That is a lot of people if you think about it.