Have you ever thought that we each have a curved spine but our bed are flat? Ever just wonder about that? I mean it is no wonder that we all have back pain. These are the things that I sometimes am curious about and want to know the answers to. When whomever was making the…
Our Family
Career vs Motherhood
As women we are faced with many choices in our lives. The most difficult is usually the Career vs Motherhood choice. Many already plan on going back to work from the moment they get pregnant while others know they want to stay home. There is a lot of criticism on both sides of that coin.
Divorce in the U.S.
Divorce in the U.S. is fairly common nowadays. As you all know that is something I we are working very hard at avoiding. However after reading this infographic I was staggered by the numbers and I would love to know what all of you think about it. There are many interesting fact such as the…
The Spring in My Back
I need a new bed! I truly do as I am currently sleeping on a spring that pokes me in the back all night long. My poor aching back is killing when I wake up every morning. It is no wonder I am not getting enough sleep with that spring in my back. I am…
Evolution of the Chair
I spend a lot of time sitting on a chair that honestly is killing my back! I never really thought about who develop the chair or where it came from at all. I figured that cavemen decided they needed to be a bit more refined and have something to sit on more than rocks. The…
Walking Away
When you work at home and are your own boss walking away can be a difficult thing. I am so connected to the computer and work that I really do my best to disconnect and walk away. However I don’t always disconnect completely as I am forever checking email on my phone or checking in…
Love: The Easiest and Hardest Emotion
That is true! Love is both the easiest and hardest emotion we can ever experience. I was watching Jekyll the other night and in the end when they were explaining what Mr. Hyde was I realized that was the best explanation of love ever. The old lady was explaining to Claire that Hyde is love…
5 Minutes for God {Prayer Requests 8/25}
Everyday I am working more and more on taking at least 5 minutes at the beginning and end of everyday to spend some time with God. 5 minutes for God is not as hard as it sounds and I find that I actually spend more than 5 minutes. I do it while I am still…
Why Choose Organic Lotion
One of the best alternatives for people suffering from skin sensitivity is to try using organic lotion which has mild ingredients that’s known to cause less or even no skin irritation at all. It’s proven to be a lot safer to use than any other known beauty products that’s commercially manufactured.
Keep Praying {Prayer Requests 8/18/13}
This week we are talking about how to keep praying which is something that you have to do no matter what. I am here to tell you that it is not as easy to do as it is to say. It is so much easier to blame God and stop praying than it is to…