Every parent wants to give their child the best life they can possibly have. Sometime shyness can hold children back and may cause them to withdraw into themselves. There are some things you can do to try and increase the confidence of your child, making them happier when they are around groups of people.
Our Family
Wordless Wednesday: A Beautiful Sky
This beautiful sky all blue and pink was what I was greeted to the other night. I took Sassy out for a walk and saw all of this beauty and ran in to take a quick picture.
This BiCultural Life: Blending Foods
When you are trying to raise a family with two very different cultures blending foods together can get a bit tricky. For us because we are dealing with American and Mexican (with a big dash of French) spices tend to be our biggest issue.I have a stomach that, like many Americans. Simply is not designed…
Explaining death to kids
Explaining death to kids is not always an easy task. My aunt passed away a few months ago and telling the kids was hard and easy all at the same time. I remember when my father passed away and my nephews didn’t know right away. They were very young and my brother wasn’t sure how…
Weekly Prayer Requests {8/4/13}
When I first starting doing these weekly prayer requests I wasn’t sure if anyone really wanted them. However I am so glad that they have had such a positive response from everyone. If you are new here this is simply a way to ask for prayers for whatever you may need in your life at…
Scheduling Time with God
Scheduling time with God is not always been something that has been high in my list. I know that it is important but how and where was I going to fit that in. Not to mention there where time when I was not even sure if I believe in God anymore. Something told me or…
This Bicultural Life: Multilingual Texting
I am the worst texter in the world! I really am but try multilingual texting and I get even worse. Thank God for the translators on the phone or I would never be able to send a text message. In our Bicultural Life we text in both English and Spanish. Although it is more often…
Food Friday: The Perfect Roast
It has taken me a long time to perfect the perfect roast. I use to put it in the Crock Pot and let it cook all day. The only problem was that some of the vegetables never seem to get tender enough while others were so tender they fell apart. Luckily I had an uncle…
Mom and Pop Photography Course
You may notice that handy little button in my sidebar now. It is for the Mom and Pop Photography Course which I am now an affiliate. One of the great things about becoming an affiliate is that I get to take the class for free. I am so excited about this because my photos really…
An Update {Of Sorts}
Most of you will remember my post recently about everything falling apart. I didn’t know where my marriage was heading as my husband told me he no longer felt the same. I wanted to give you an update of sorts on how things are going and where things stand. As you all know I have…