July is national Park and Recreation Month and local parks are encouraging everyone to come out this month and experience all the wonderful aspects of parks and recreation. Nationwide, recreation departments have organized events and activities to help families spend quality time together, enjoy nature and get active. This provides a great opportunity to not…
Our Family
Movies Over The weekend
We watch movies over the weekend sometimes and this weekend we actually watched a couple of movies and I am here to tell you there are some crazy movies out there. We watched Vampires Suck and I am not sure how we ended up watching it but it was the dumbest movie ever. The entire…
Finding Purpose
Finding purpose is not a very easy thing to do. For me I have spent most of my life searching for a purpose, a higher meaning, something. I have finally found my purpose after all of these years. I realize now that it was no accident that I discovered blogging. It was God’s divine hand…
Wordless Wendesday: The Dinosaur
This week as you may have heard my computer cord broke and I had to pull this dinosaur out and work from it. I ha vent actually used this computer in a couple of years which meant I had to spend the whole morning updating and getting it ready to even work. Luckily it…
Do Unto Others In Today’s World
We all know the verse: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The problem is how so you practice that in today world? Lets face it the world we live in is cruel at the best of times. We treat people the way we want to be treated but that back…
Food Friday: Homemade Gravy
My uncle makes the best homemade gravy. I have never been able to make it that well so when come to visit I always have him make some. This is his recipe that he gave me to share with all of you. He says that pork chops make the gravy but I am not so…
Learning in the Summer
Summer is here and vacations are in full swing but have you ever considered learning in the summer? Many adults actually take the summer to learn new things, get college degrees and so much more. In fact I have been considering taking some courses to brush up on a few things and learn something new….
Pray With Us: July 7, 2013
This is our first week where I will be sharing prayer requests from readers as well as some of my own. I ask that those who do pray help me as I pray for those in need. Those who are not religious you know that here at Rita Reviews, I never try to force any…
5 Dishes For Your Summer BBQ
Since today is the 4th of July and I know that everyone will out barbecuing I thought I would share with you 5 Dishes for Your Summer BBQ from my recipe collection. These are dishes that I really enjoy and they work wonderfully in this warm weather.
Ugly shoes
Well I showed you my ugly pants now I want to share my favorite ugly shoes. These are my outside shoes although they really should be in the trash. I mean they are really hanging on by a thread and I can’t believe I still have these things. I don’t wear these anywhere expect when…