Day 26 — Who/what can’t you live without? Explain. This is very easy, God. While having to live my life without my family would be devastating I would survive (just barely but I would.) Please bear with me as I explain. To live my life without God would be to walk into the darkness and never have a light….
Our Family
OMG! No Internet!!
That is what I was screaming this morning as I awoke to no internet service. I could get it to connect for all of about five seconds. All I kept thinking was I have a list of things to get done as long as my arm and without the internet how in the world am I going…
Life Insurance is so Important
Do you have life insurance? I cannot remember a time in my life when I didn’t have it. When my father died, without life insurance I don’t know how my mother would have made it. The life insurance was not even enough to handle all of the bills which meant selling the house the help…
30 Days of Me: Day 25
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail. In great detail may actually be more than any one you really want to know so I will do a brief summary with as much information as I can provide. I get up every morning by 6am except for weekends. I try to sleep late on the…
30 Days of Me: Day 24
Day 24 — your earliest memory. My earliest memory is of my dad. He had a wart on the palm of his right hand and I can remember being small and holding his hand while walking into church. I remember always feeling it there and somehow I always felt so safe. I can even remember when I…
Traveling Today
I will be traveling today so I will be away from the computer all day. I will check emails as much as I can on my phone but for the most part I will be away. I will of course be back tomorrow and who knows what what pop up. I will be posting on…
30 Days of Me: Day 23
Day 23 — A photo of you taken over 10 years ago. This is super easy. Here is a photo taken of me, my mom, and my older brother. I was about a year old when this was taken, maybe two. It is the picture that my dad carried in his wallet until the day he died….
Time For a “Big” Bed
How many of you have gone through the whole experience of changing your childrens beds from toddler beds to big kids beds? It is such a nightmare isn’t it? I didn’t realize how much importance was actually placed on the bed until I was involved in helping my sister in-law. Remember my older children are my step…
Own a Business? These Payroll Shortcuts Are Sure to Relieve Some Stress!
Getting the company payroll completed on time is both critical and urgent. It’s one of those things you just can’t put off until tomorrow. While some business owners choose to use a payroll service to handle all the details, others choose to keep it in house. Here are some payroll shortcuts to make the job easier:
30 Days of Me: Day 22
Day 22 — your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality. My zodiac sign is Virgo and I think that it fits me perfectly. Here are a few examples based on the information I found about Virgos. Virgo is a sensible, practical and logical sign. Your approach to most matters in life is careful and analytical.