As you all know we live in the woods and don’t really have a lot of neighbors. We also live within a few miles of a State Prison and didn’t have a home security system for a while when we first moved in. The truth is it never really crossed our minds. We had one…
Our Family
30 Days of Me: Day 14
Day 14 — Things that make you scared. Oh wow where to begin this. I am such afraidy cat that it is not even funny. My list is pretty long but here are just a few of the things that make me scared.
30 Days of Me: Day 13
Day 13 —The best things to happen to you this week. Okay this may seem so stupid but the best things that happen to me this week are of course the new design getting finished and uploaded but also this water leak. The reason is because through the nightmare that this is I have found an inner…
30 Days of Me: Day 12
Day 12 — Your sibling(s) I have three siblings; two brothers and a sister. I am the oldest girl and second born, it actually goes my older brother, then me, then my sister, then my younger brother. My younger brother is very spoiled thanks to me. I do everything he tells me to do and he takes great…
30 Days of Me: Day 11
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently. The most recent photo of me is the one that used for my About Me when I redid it.
30 Days of Me: Day 10
Day 10 — Your favorite idol. This is by far the hardest. The reason is I don’t really have a favorite idol. I know that sounds like a lame answer but it is the truth. If the question pertains to a favorite person then I just don’t think of any one person who is above any others….
7 Ways to Earn Money from Your Recreational Blog
People start recreational blogs for all sorts of reasons – as a fun hobby, to meet others in similar situations as their own (stay at home moms, for example), to share recipes or crafts, or to simply keep friends and family updated on their lives. If you have a business or wish to sell a product, a…
Moving for the Kids
This guest post from Werner Rogers We’re thinking about moving to get the kids in a better school district. When we first moved to this county it seemed like the schools would be fine but the longer we live here the less beneficial we think the public schools here are. There are some good ones…
30 Days of Me: Day 9
Day 09 — Your favorite song. This is actually a fairly easy one. I listen to all sorts of music but my favorite song right now is Coleccionista de Canciones by Camila. It is truly a beautiful song and the music is wonderful. Watch the video below and there is the English translation of the…
30 Days of Me: Day 8
Day 08 — Something you’re currently worrying about. Wow this is hard to choose because I am a natural worrier. The biggest thing I am currently worrying about is very personal, in fact too personal to share so I will share something else.