If you have been following me for a while you know that I not only have OCD but I also have mild depression. I have doing very well with it all but this week the depression has hit me a bit hard. It happens when the weather turns and to be honest I am not sure why….
Our Family
Thankful Thursdays {11/8}
This is another new feature that will be showing up every week. Feel free to leave a comment about what you are thankful for today! The idea is that if you don’t do it everyday at least once a week to sit down and come of up with at least 3 things that you are…
How Can You Keep Your Wardrobe Updated With Branded Clothes This Season
Branded clothes like La Redoute can put some recognisable spice into your wardrobe. The trick to keeping up to date, though, is less about brands and more about working out what sorts of clothes represent who you are and how you feel – when you tie in with a brand, it should be because the…
Guest Post from Author Julia Dweck
What inspired you to write Cat or Dog for President? Our nation is not an ordinary one given its ethnically diverse population and rich history that have contributed vitally to the shaping of twenty-first century culture in America. As a nation committed to maintaining freedom and opportunities for all, different talents and abilities have been recognized in all…
College Must Haves
Packing for college can be an emotional experience. College students already know that they need a laptop along with regular school supplies such as notebooks, highlighters and pens. Still, there are other items students should add to their lists in order to enhance the college experience.
What Do You Mean Technical Support?
How often do you need help with your computer? Do you call technical support when you do? My brother called me a few days ago and had a problem. When I said you should all technical support his reply was ” I did, I called you. You’re my technical support” While I am super flattered…
Why Parents are much Concerned About Cord Blood Banking?
There are many couples who have been questioning themselves whether they should or not go for cord blood banking or not. Within other major decisions, the blood banking may not be overlooked since it does not carry enough magnitude at the initial stage. There are many pros and cons of the blood baking due to which many people…
My New Planner
I have finally set up a planner that can handle all of the different things I do. I have been using two different planners; one for my blog and one for the other work I do. I was bouncing between planners and sometimes missing things that needed to be done. I wanted a planner…
How to Help a Child Learn to Play a Musical Instrument
Learning how to play a musical instrument is an important skill that will continue to benefit children throughout their lives. Because a child is most receptive to learning new skills while they are still young, it is best to begin music lessons at an early age. However, it is also important for parents to know…
Finding Good Deals
I spend a lot of time searching the internet in an effort to find good deals. I love when I can get a great deal all in one place, although many time that is rare. The easiest way is to save with codes that give you discounts and I am one of the most die-hard codes…