Back to school season is here and we all spend a lot of time getting ready for the big day. Everyone prepares their children in different ways. We start by getting them back onto their school schedule a few weeks before we start classes again. The schedule consists mostly of waking them up and having…
Our Family
Embracing Latin Music {#enriquejlotour}
I will be the first one to admit that until I met my husband my Latin music knowledge didn’t extend beyond Jennifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias, sad but true. Now my life is filled with all the wonderful sounds of Latin music and I have come to embrace it fully. There is such a feel…
My Dog is Great is Yours?
Recently I shared with you a story about my dog Sassy and her “mud bath” adventure. Well Sassy has been up to her same old tricks lately when she recently decided she have hamburgers with the family. We don’t feed Sassy from the table but every once in a while she just has to have…
5 Life Insurance Tips for Women
Getting the right life insurance isn’t always easy. There are so many insurance providers to choose from, so many policies, so many add-on features, it’s enough to make your head spin. However, getting life insurance does provide valuable protection – for you and for your family. Getting it right, while it can be time-consuming, is…
Inspire: Happiness
How could seeing this not make you feel happy? There is something so precious in a child’s laughter! Source: via Rita on Pinterest
What to Wear Wednesday: Green and White
I love wearing white and paired with this green it is perfect! Source: via Rita on Pinterest
Spanish Word of the Week {7/30}
sufrir soo-freerr’ (verb) to suffer, to bear, to stand, to put up with; to have (accident) Examples 1. Sufro de claustrofobia y no puedo estar en sitios pequeños. I suffer from claustrophobia and I can’t be in small spaces. 2. Tuvimos que sufrir sus malas bromas toda la noche. We had to put up…
Sunday Scripture {7/29}
Exodus 1:13 And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour: Exodo 1:13 Y los Egipcios hicieron servir á los hijos de Israel con dureza:
I have been thinking a lot about Jesus as a person lately. It may be because I have been watching a movie that I will be reviewing soon. I have always saw Jesus more of a person than an entity and it may be simply because he lived on Earth as a person. For me…
Inspire: Happy Birthday Honey!!
Today is my wonderful hubby’s birthday and we are off celebrating! I am so thankful to have him in my life so Feliz cumpleaños mi amor !!! Source: via Rita on Pinterest