Getting the right life insurance isn’t always easy. There are so many insurance providers to choose from, so many policies, so many add-on features, it’s enough to make your head spin. However, getting life insurance does provide valuable protection – for you and for your family. Getting it right, while it can be time-consuming, is…
Our Family
Inspire: Happiness
How could seeing this not make you feel happy? There is something so precious in a child’s laughter! Source: via Rita on Pinterest
What to Wear Wednesday: Green and White
I love wearing white and paired with this green it is perfect! Source: via Rita on Pinterest
Spanish Word of the Week {7/30}
sufrir soo-freerr’ (verb) to suffer, to bear, to stand, to put up with; to have (accident) Examples 1. Sufro de claustrofobia y no puedo estar en sitios pequeños. I suffer from claustrophobia and I can’t be in small spaces. 2. Tuvimos que sufrir sus malas bromas toda la noche. We had to put up…
Sunday Scripture {7/29}
Exodus 1:13 And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour: Exodo 1:13 Y los Egipcios hicieron servir á los hijos de Israel con dureza:
I have been thinking a lot about Jesus as a person lately. It may be because I have been watching a movie that I will be reviewing soon. I have always saw Jesus more of a person than an entity and it may be simply because he lived on Earth as a person. For me…
Inspire: Happy Birthday Honey!!
Today is my wonderful hubby’s birthday and we are off celebrating! I am so thankful to have him in my life so Feliz cumpleaños mi amor !!! Source: via Rita on Pinterest
How Great is Your Dog?
I was never really a dog person, not to be mean in any way. I was more a cat gal because cats require little attention (at least most of them do.) We had dogs when I was growing but they belonged to my siblings or my parents and not me. That was until Sassy came…
How I Tackle Parenting’s Messes and Stresses {#HuggiesLatino}
When you are a parent you learn very quickly how to deal with all the messes that will come your way. How you deal with it is totally up you. My sister in-law is the mom who has one child but has to buy a mini-van because she takes everything out of the nursery with…
What to Wear Wednesday: Something Blue
These are perfect if you happen to be getting married. Source: via Rita on Pinterest