My dad was always bringing animals home to be rescued when we were growing up. We saw this often from a young age and learned to do the same. Of course all of this was to the bain of my mother’s existence. We learned it so well that my older brother once brought home a…
Our Family
When Oh When….
That is how you can feel when you are trying to conceive. I know that is how I feel at times. There are even times when I want to scream at God and ask why? However the one thing I have learned is that in those moments if I take a step back I…
No not the kind you drink out of but the kid you wear. My sister I are the only siblings to have to wear glasses, although hers are much stronger than mine (she is blind as a bat!) Since spending so much time on the computer I have noticed lately that my eyes hurt and…
Musical Memories
How do you feel about music in your home? In mine we love it, in fact there is always some sort of music playing at any given time. When I clean the house I listen to music, when I am working it is playing the background, when we are in the car, even when I…
Summer Vacation Tips
Summer is a great time to relax, enjoy and make memories! However, some families know how expensive this can get when the vacation, days out and summer wardrobe are all added up. This summer, make sure you save money where you can and let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to do that? The first ‘tip’…
Spanish Word of the Week {6/18}
I told you not long ago I was going to change this up a bit. Well here is the new format! In the slideshow I only pronoun the word itself and not the example sentences. As I am learning Spanish right along with you all I would hate to mess up the words. Anyone would…
Introducing Mia Mariu!
I would like to introduce you all to Mia Mariu! Mia is a Dallas based health and beauty social selling company. Guess what? I am a Mia Mariu Blogger and Adviser! What does that mean exactly? As a Blogger it means that throughout the year I will be blogging about Mia Mariu as well as…
Weekly Scripture {6/17}
This is my new series where each week I will randomly post a Bible Passage in both English and Spanish. Take a moment this week to reflect on what the passage says to you and how it makes you feel. Fell free to share any thoughts or ideas about the passage here.
Happy Father’s Day!
Summer Grilling with Applegate Hot Dogs
The summer season is in full swing which means family cookouts and barbecues (or fiestas!) When you have children around it can mean there are lots of hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill. We don’t do a lot of hotdogs for so many different reasons but mostly because of what is in them. Then I…