Happy Brothers Sisters Day Comments l Orkutem . org
Our Family
Spanish Word of the Week {4/23}
la costumbre kos-toom’-breh (noun) habit, custom 1. Tomo la costumbre de correr 4 milas cada mañana. I am in the habit of running 4 miles every morning. 2. Como de costumbre, pedí un deseo antes de apagar las velas. As usual, I made a wish before blowing out the candles.
Spanish Word of the Week {4/16}
cobrar koh-brar’ (verb) to charge, to collect; to earn, to be paid 1. Nos cobraron $100 por un día en la estación de esquí. They charged us $100 for one day at the ski resort. 2. ¿Me cobra, por favor? I’d like to pay now, please
Eye Care, Diabetes, and Kids
There is an estimated 2.5 million Hispanic/Latino American adults, 20 years or older, with diabetes. That is a big number right? How many people do you know with diabetes? My Grandmother, Dad, Uncle, and several Aunts had diabetes. In fact, before her death one aunt lost both feet to diabetes. This is just one of the…
Authored by Raymond Whitney Since my parents got Expert Satellite we decided to spend a week of our vacation home at time visiting them. My husband works and we are not able to go home for Christmas of Thanksgiving. The week has been really relaxing. We have been hanging out at the house, cooking dinner,…
Is Baltimore Safe?
Contribution by Kennith Griffin When my family found out I was getting transferred to Baltimore, they were worried. According to my boss I had to transfer or I would be out of a job, so I didn’t have much of a choice. I would be there alone with no family or friends, so my family…
I am going to need a day or so. My Easter was anything but uplifting. I have been trying to work all day but cannot seem to bring myself to get anything other than crying done. Everything scheduled for today will post tomorrow as I will force myself to get it done. I simply…
One Person I’m Glad I Met
Do you ever look back on your life and think “I am so glad I met this person or that person?” I do from time to time.The one person I am so glad I met is my husband. I know most women are glad they met their spouses but for me he is so much…
Happy Easter
Just to Let You All Know
I am taking the weekend off to enjoy this Easter Holiday with my family. I will NOT be online at all until Monday. I may check emails and answer anything important but that it all. Everything else will be taken care of on Monday. This is something I have decided tonight. There are a few…