I will back in a little while! I need a break–still have lots more to come today!
Our Family
Homemade Tortilla Chips
Store bought tortilla chips are good but nothing beats Homemade Tortilla Chips. Especially when they are warm and fresh from the oven.
Spanish Word of the Week {4/2}
This one is a very easy one so try to use it a few times this week. salvo sal’-voh (preposition) except, apart from
Back Soon!
There is a storm here and if I turn off the computer I risk it being struck by lighting! Back shortly!!
Pinterest Cake Wednesday {1st Birthday}
This first birthday cake is beyond cute. The colors are so vibrant. I would to have this for one of the kids birthdays or even my own. Source: blog.pinkcakebox.com via Rita on Pinterest
Spanish Word of the Week {3/26}
Here’s your word this week. Try to use it at least once. medir meh-deer’ (verb) to measure; to weigh
Creativity Lessons From Children
What sort of creativity can we learn from kids?Well all sorts to be honest. Spend a day just watching all the things your kids do when they think you aren’t watching. They do all sorts of amazing things. My daughter will work through all sorts of problems including world peace (although giving everyone in the…
Family Breakfast and Tropicana Sweepstakes
When you lead a busy life the way we do it is hard to get everyone in one place. I home-school my children but between teaching them, their activities, and my work we don’t always have a lot of family time. Most nights I feed the kids and then eat later at my desk while…
What’s On My Desk Right Now
What is one your desk right now at this very moment? Here’s a pic of what is on mine……
{Tick..Tock..the Baby Saga} Getting in the Same Place
One of the hardest things about working on making a baby is getting in the same place. Since Edgar works out of town a lot this make it hard. We have however come up with some crazy ways to work on it though. We have done everything from him driving all the way home and…