If you have a movie fan in your family or circle of friends this is the perfect cake for them. I love the pictures at the bottom! Source: bobbetteandbelle.com via Rita on Pinterest
Our Family
The A to Z’s of Me
I thought I would share a little about myself in a fun way. So here are the A to Z’s of Me:
Spanish Word of the Week {3/19}
someter soh-meh-ter’ (verb) to submit; to subdue, to overcome
Spicy Bean Salsa
This Spicy Bean Salsa is great with warm tortillas chips. Just heat them a little in your oven. Don’t leave them in there too long because they will get even harder. It is a perfect winter salsa because it gives you a little heat just when you need the most
Your “Other” Mom?
When siting down to write this post about a funny bathroom story I knew that in order to share it with you I would have to share a little background, so here it goes. I am one of those people who was not born in a hospital. I was born at home because, even though…
Pinterest Cake Wednesday {My Perfect Birthday Cake}
This would be the perfect birthday cake for me. It is the one I want this year and if you area regular follower of mine you know all about my toilet paper habit. Source: prettycoolcakes.com via Rita on Pinterest
My Sister and Sedative Dentistry
My sister has always had a fear of the dentist growing up, like a lot of other people but her first sedative dentistry experience is one that I will never forget. I was ten and she was seven when our dad had to take us to the dentist. She was so afraid that she told…
Help Publish a Book!
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1960643778/help-publish-the-last-witch-series A little about me and a lot about this project My name is Elizabeth J Kolodziej and I have been writing about the paranormal all my life (cliche, I know) however, I didn’t know until my early twenties that my writing might be something other people want to read too! Go figure. Writing is my…
Spanish Word of the Week (3/12)
viejo vyeh’-hoh (adjective) old
Pan Dulce {Mexican Sweet Rolls}
Pan Dulce are sweet rolls that can be eaten as a dessert or however you want. I split them open, butter each half, and toast them in the oven.