I am sure that is what you are all saying about the theme changes. First I should say that I OCD so nothing will ever be perfect enough for me. This change today is the result of my daughter. She asked why I used a cartoon person and everything look so business like. That it…
Our Family
Lunch Break
Stop Already
Lots Coming Tomorrow
You may have noticed that the last day or so has been a bit thin. I have been busy with personal things and honestly run ragged. Tomorrow I have lots of new things coming including reviews of Happy Goat caramel, Hitachi, Jerry’s Nut House, giveaways, and more. Every once in a while I need a…
Pinterest Cake Wednesday {Dr. Seuss}
I have decided to start a new series each Wednesday where I share with you some of the beautiful cakes I find on Pinterest. I know everyone has become addicted this site. So here is the first one: Dr. Seuss How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Is this not the most amazing cake you have ever…
Spanish Word of the Week {3/5}
This week’s word is: previsible pre-vee-see’-bleh (adjective) foreseeable, predictable Examples: 1. Representa una previsible oportunidad para nosotros. It represents a foreseeable opportunity for us. 2. Tengo un programa muy previsible cada día. I have a very predictable schedule every day.
The kids love these and I must admit that I enjoy them from time to time as well.
I Blog Because….
Have you ever wondered why someone blogs? What is the purpose behind all of that writing? I blog for a lot of different reasons such as to earn an extra income {not that I earn a lot} but the biggest reason I blog is because I found myself through blogging. I didn’t realize I was…
What to Wear Wednesday: PX Supply
When you grow in and around the military you are used to seeing uniforms, t-shirts, and all sorts of other clothing. In fact there was no storage of Navy shirts, Ranger tees, combat boots and more in our home. We were frequent visitors to the PX and loved finding new items there. I was very…
What’s Your Song?
I have never been the kind of girl to have a song with any guy but if there was ever a song that describes my relationship with my wonderful husband it is Todo Cambio by Camila.