I have decided to bring back the Spanish Word of the Week. So here is your word for this week, try to use at least once if possible.
Our Family
Tequila Bars
1 12-oz. box vanilla wafers 1/2 cup pine nuts 3/4 cup unsalted butter (1 1/2 sticks) 1/3 cup tequila 1/2 cup lime juice 5 egg yolks, plus 2 egg whites 1 14-ozs. can sweetened condensed milk 1 tablespoon sugar agave nectar or honey, for drizzling (optional)
Thunderstom and Newsletter
We are currently having a thunderstorm. I have several great posts coming later today but I need to get off of here and unplug everything. The last time I tried to stay online during a storm my computer got fried. That is a side effect of living in an older house, lighting tends to like…
Rafflecopter and My Theme
I had to change the theme because it was the reason the Rafflecopter was not working. I am going to go back and re-add each Rafflecopter just to be sure they are all working properly. Please let me know if for some reason something isn’t working.
New Look and More
As you can tell I have a new look. I was just looking for something bright and fun. I was a little tired of plain. I hope that you all like it. By the end of the day tomorrow I will have the Products and Books links at the top working as well as have…
Shell: 2 cups flour 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 tbsp. salt 1/3 cup shortening 1/3 cup ice water Preheat oven to 375°F.
Mom {and Dad} Advice Wanted
Next month I will be doing an article featuring nothing but advice for first time moms. You know all those things that the books never tell you. The things you have to learn from being in the trenches! I would love for all of you to contribute if you like. You can leave a…
What to Wear Wednesday: Posh Girl Vintage
The only vintage items I have ever owned have been things either my mother or grandmother gave to me. Not long ago though I came across a site that I feel in love with. It is called Posh Girl Vintage and they have all sorts of items that I know you are going to love….
Valentine’s Day Memories
Children love Valentine’s Day, and there is no better time to make some special “forever memories”, than on Valentine’s Day. Begin by stepping into the kitchen ¾ with your kids, of course. Start your day making some pancakes in the shapes of X’s and O’s, and hearts! Add a little strawberry flavored syrup and watch…
Kid Friendly Valentine’s Dinner
When you have children planning and having a romantic dinner on Valentine’s Day can be a bit of a challenge. Why not include the kids on this day? You can always plan to have dessert with you someone special later after the kids have gone to bed. The biggest trouble is what to cook…