Beginning in March Google will be doing away with Google Friend Connect from all non-blogger blogs which means we will have to say goodbye. I hate that I have to start over from scratch with Google Plus but it seems to be the only alternative. So I thought I would go ahead and…
Our Family
What I Learned
Taking the time off that I did during the holidays was very valuable for me. I learned so much, not only about myself but also about my family and this little blog. First and foremost I learned that it is okay to disconnect sometimes. I was so afraid that all of my readers would simply…
My New Year’s Resolutions
It’s that time of the year again! That time when everyone is making resolutions for the new year. Have you made any? Well I have and I wanted to share my list with you. December 31st I come back to this list and update it letting you which ones I managed to keep and which…
A Few More Updates
If you are seeing this post it means that the hosting companies have finally switched things around. I have been waiting on my SSL Certificate to get issued and installed. there are a few more updates which are mostly cosmetic in nature that i need to take care of but can’t do it unitl i…
New Hosting!
If you read on Twitter and Facebook you know I have had some trouble with my hosting company. I managed to get logged in long enough to write this post nad that was only by deleting somethings out. I am in the process of switching to for my hosting however since all this happened yesterday…
The New Year
I January you will notice a few changes (Lord willing!) It will be nothing major although I am hoping to get a custom design later in the year. some of the things you will notice will be: Features have now become Editorials: I have changed the name of my Features to Editorials. Some Features will…
I SOOOOO Need This
Last night we all attended my nephew’s Christmas program at his school. He is four and looked so super cute!! I took my camera so I could get pictures and what I discovered is that I have the world’s crappiest camera. We were sitting a few rows from the back and he was not only…
The New Rafflecopter
Using the new Rafflecopter widget for entering my giveaways is super easy. Let me tell you a little about the new system: First, the biggest improvement will be that Rafflecopter will no longer rely on cookies as a means of tracking your entries. They’re introducing a sign-in system… you can either sign in with your Facebook…
Faceboook Fan of the Week
I have just added Fan of the Week to Facebook! Every Monday a new fan will be selected. The Fan of the Week will be given extra entries into the 1 giveaway of their choice. To claim your entries just contact me with the giveaway you want the entries. the more you interact with me…
Family Friendly Cars for Moms
Family Friendly Cars for Moms Deciding on a family friendly car for a mom is a big decision – one that is bound to affect all of the members of the family. Cost, safety and the amount of passengers that comfortably fit inside, along with kiddie cargo, and possibly the family pet; are all things…