My faith has been all of the place lately. In fact in the last week there have been times when I questioned what I believed as well as if I even believed. what I now realize is that it is not so much what I believe as much as it is this fear that…
Our Family
Can You All Please Tell Me Something
If at all possible (you don’t have to sign up) but can some of you click on my rss feed and see if it shows up. I am getting an error but I don’t know if it is my browser of what the deal is. If you can just let me know I would greatly…
Business for Myself
The Author of this post is Solomon Dejesus When I first went to I was really overwhelmed. I was starting my own business and things were tough – you know how it is when you’re totally over your head with something and you don’t know how to get out. I had my brother John…
Please Be Patient
I am working on fine tuning a few things this morning. Please be patient with me as I learn to navigate this new system. Today there will be several reviews, giveaways and more posted I promise you. As well all the forms, etc that you have all become accustom to seeing. THANKS!~~~Rita
Lucy and Ricky
When Edgar and I got together the first thing my brothers wanted to know if he spoke like Ricky Ricardo. The funny thing is that even though he doesn’t (sometimes..he does) we have had plenty of Lucy and Ricky moments over the years. I hunted on You tube to find the ones that would best…
Crappy Signal
This week faith has been on a roller coaster ride with me. There have been extreme highs and extreme lows. One day I would be more than willing to tell you how wonderful God is and all the the things he has done. then next day not so much. My week has reminded me of…
Dinner By The Kids
Last night my children realized that I had the worlds longest day. So they loving prepare dinner for me. While their culinary skills are less than perfect they made every attempt to make it special. We had chili (yes it was from a can but who cares!) and my daughter took a Sara Lee pound…
Hispanic Hertiage Month with This Is Cable and a Giveaway
In my home we watch TV in both English and Spanish. What that means to us is that we want a provider that provides the option of having both. My husband wants to see the news in Mexico City while I want to watch my Britcoms. We can do that through cable. Throughout Hispanic Heritage…
Smucker’s Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
Smucker’s celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month with a contest! From now until November 16, 2011 you can enter Spreading Smucker’s Traditions Recipe and Essay Contest. The winner will receive $20,000 for a Family Reunion. Smucker celebra el Mes de la Herencia Hispana con un concurso! Desde ahora hasta el 16 de noviembre 2011 se pueden introducir…
If Only…
I tell myself that a lot nowadays. If only I had done this, if only I had said that. The biggest thing now is that Edgar is away a lot working and I have the If Only he would answer. What is he doing? Why didn’t he answer? Those and a million other thoughts go…