Turning 48 is a milestone that will happen for me this week, a blend of joy and struggle, marked by both humor and wisdom. As I approach this new chapter in my life, I find myself reflecting on the changes and experiences that come with it. From dealing with a body that doesn’t quite work…
Our Family
Life Lately – A July 2024 Month in Review
July is over and I will admit to being a little sad. It means we are that much closer to the end of the year. When I was young I couldn’t wait for the year to be over and have Christmas. Now, as an adult I find myself wishing time would slow down a bit.
Life Lately – A June 2024 Month in Review
June is over and I will say that I am glad for it. This month my uncle had a heart surgery that didn’t happen once they got in there. They couldn’t hook him up to a machine or device they needed to in order to do the work they needed to so we are trying…
4 Tips for Finding a Personal Injury Lawyer
When you are injured and need a lawyer you don’t want to rush into selecting one. I’m sure you have seen all the television ads that tell you to call them and they will get you some money. While they may very well get you the money promised it is better to do your research….
Friday Conversations – May 17, 2024
I am sure ya’ll have been wondering where the heck I have been? Well, last month (mid-month) I fell and hurt my knee. It was one of those moments where you go to sit in your desk chair and the chair goes flying out from under you. Well, I was too far into the seated…
Personalizing Your Ride: The Art of Customizing Vehicles
One thing I can say about my youngest brother is that he certainly knows what he wants when it comes to what he drives. He loves his Jeep and from the moment he got his very first way back when he customized it. He is forever changing it in some way or another.
Friday Conversations – April 12, 2024
Last Friday I thought things were going to go so much better. I was going to have so much done and get on track. Life said no you’re not! I did manage to get a few things done but I feel like there is more left undone on my list. Although I do feel as…
Friday Conversations – April 5, 2024
The first Friday of April and let me tell you my week has been so busy. Ma had surgery yesterday because of some skin cancer she had on her arm. Today she is in a lot of pain and let’s just say they had to cut out a fairly large piece on her forearm. That…
Life Lately – A March 2024 Month in Review
March was a rather hard month for me. Emotionally and physically. I don’t have any one specific thing to point to and say this was the reason. I just didn’t want to do much of anything. I don’t know if it was the fact that the weather was a bit gloomy most of the month…
Friday Conversations – March 29, 2024
It’s Good Friday which is usually a day that we reserve for religious observations. This morning though I found out my cousin’s son was killed in a motorcycle accident yesterday. This particular cousin I don’t talk with often but am still fairly close to. Not as close as my brother is. I’m closer with this…