We all know just how hard pregnancy can be! Mood swings, aches and pains, being unable to sleep in your favorite position, and having to head to the toilet every 10 minutes are among some of the worst things a person goes through during pregnancy, and that’s why it’s something we should prepare ourselves for!
Our Family
Reasons Why Dogs Behave Strangely Sometimes
Dogs are typically lovable, loyal, happy, and amiable animals. Most breeds are trainable and can learn to get along with other dogs and people from an early age. But sometimes, dogs may start to behave oddly. For instance, a friendly dog may become anti-social all of a sudden. This can be cause for serious concern.
A Cardiac Dog & Health Update
I know I haven’t been updating things much. I actually was back in the hospital as there was still too much fluid built up. I am back home again and playing catchup. I need to just say that this sucks so much but I know I have to go through it in order to come…
Excellent Hacks to Help You Be the Best Possible Pet Owner
Owning an animal is a great way to inject purpose and happiness into your life, as well as giving you responsibility and companionship. This is why it is so important to make sure you work on being the best pet owner you can possibly be. There are so many things that you have to make…
7 Tips and Techniques for Improved Poultry Farming
Barn and bird management requires attention and operational expertise in detail. To excel in poultry farming, ensure quality nutrition, poultry accessories, chicken tractors, and veterinary guidance. Australia, a country that encourages every innovation, has stepped into the poultry industry, which brings out the farming sector’s potential to the fullest. Check out the best chicken coops…
Congestive Heart Failure
I just spent three days in the hospital. Three days I was not expecting to spend and receive a dig a noise that I never wanted to hear again in my life. Let me back up a little bit though. A few weeks ago while working out I got short of breath. I didn’t think…
A Diagnosis & Financial Relearning
My mother is the strongest woman I know. She raised four children while managing the finances for a household of six. Not to mention did most of it alone a good portion of the time. My father worked endlessly so my mother wouldn’t have to. Although she did hold down a job once we were…
Create A Pretty Garden With Minimal Effort
Passionate about having your own garden at home? Most homemakers struggle with limited space to display their abundant collection of plants. One foliage is never enough, like any other hobby, it’s really addicting. But there’s nothing more irritating than seeing your beloved flowers ruined because of a boisterous neighbor or let’s face it, your own…
4 Ways to Improve Quality of Life for Seniors
At no point should a senior citizen be content with mere existence. Instead, a senior citizen’s life must be filled with quality elements that enhance their overall wellbeing. Considering that poor mental health affects over 6 million senior citizens, it is critical to impact their lives positively. How much of a difference have you made…
Friday Cocktails | July 2, 2021
The Fourth of July is in a couple of days and I thought i would dedicate this Friday Cocktails to celebrate that day a little early. I love the fourth because of all the memories I have of attending cookouts and fireworks when I was growing up. It is something that I have worked hard…