I don’t about y’all but I can’t wait for Black Friday this year! Mostly because I have a list of things that I need from Lowe’s a mile long it seems. I have been adding things to this list for the last couple of months figuring I could get some of my home improvement projects…
Our Family
Giving Up on Fast Fashion
Fast fashion is something that we’ve all been guilty of buying at some point. We shop at cheap high street stores, and we buy basic clothes that are poorly made, from harsh materials, because they are cheap, without worrying that thousands of other people must own the same piece, or that it won’t last for…
Four Top Tips for Hosting an Unforgettable Birthday Party
Celebrating your birthday is a big annual event, made even more special if your upcoming birthday is a milestone one. However, over the years you might have found yourself slipping in the same celebration routine; having a meal at a restaurant with family and friends before enjoying a few drinks at a bar, for instance….
2 Top Tips for Managing Anxiety
Is anxiety starting to have a big impact on your day-to-day life? Are both your quality of life and your standard of living dropping because of the fact that you are constantly worrying? If so, it’s absolutely imperative that you take a stand against this incredibly dangerous plight. Should you fail to manage your anxiety,…
Keep the Spark Alive: A Guide to a Stronger Relationship
Strong relationships require effort. If you take your other half for granted or fail to prove how much you care, it can make your partner feel unvalued and unloved. Rather than allowing the spark to disappear, you should look for ways to express your feelings to your spouse, and actions often speak louder than words.
Is Stress Weighing You Down? Here’s What You Can Do About It
Stress – it’s something that millions of people suffer from and have to learn to cope with on a daily basis. Here in the UK, it’s nothing new, and you probably don’t have to ask too many friends before you find one that says they’re feeling stressed out. Earlier this year a Mental Health Foundation…
Ways to Find a Vape Wholesaler
The vaping industry has been growing rapidly since it was first introduced to the public. It is incredible how the vaping industry has improved as the demand rises. At the moment, many retailers are selling vapes as the business is highly profitable.
Outdoor Games for Groups of Kids
Remarkable things happen when kids play together outdoors. They have fun, sure, but they also engage in a wide range of behaviors they’ll repeat throughout their adult lives. Cooperation, communication, collective thinking, and critical problem solving as a group all get exercised when children play together.
Amazon Prime Day Brings All the Feels!
Amazon Prime Day is coming! In fact it is October 13-14 this year and I am so excited. I have a huge list of things that I need to buy. For those who don’t know Amazon Prime Day is the annual event just for Prime members that bring you so many deals and bargains. Think…
Staying Safe on the School Run
The School Run is a sit-com that has not yet been written. But if it were, it would find an audience. Why? Because for five days out of every seven, throughout most of the year, parents up and down the country attempt the impossible – getting their children to school on time (when their children…