There are few things that spell luxury quite like a nice fireplace. Unfortunately, not all homes are fitted for them, and many would like to enjoy the decorative aspect of a fireplace without the excessive heat or having to burn material. Then, there’s the fact that the average fireplace can get expensive pretty fast, especially…
Our Family
How to Encourage Kids to Start Playing Sports
There are many benefits to kids playing sports, and it is something that every parent should encourage. While some kids will happily go out and play just about any sport, many are more hesitant, and this could be for any number of different reasons. Confidence is often one of the primary reasons, but you will…
Learn the Art of Repair: Four Tips to Get You Started
We all need to relearn old lessons that our grandparents failed to teach us. Home Economics might not be a standard class in school anymore, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t need to know the very standard yet effective methods necessary to repair items around the home. Clothes, toys, upholstery, faucets, appliances – the…
How to Restart Your Travel Plans in 2020
If your travel plans were disrupted in early 2020, and you are still looking at booking a vacation before the end of the year, you may be wondering what the best action to take is now that borders are starting to reopen. To kickstart your travel for the rest of the year, and ensure that…
What is Eco-Therapy?
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a massive increase in people’s stress levels all over the globe. If you are dealing with symptoms of depression or anxiety, you may be looking for solutions and relief. Enter eco-therapy – a way in which to tap into nature and its many healing benefits. Here are the facts…
Being the Caregiver
I posted this article back in 2013 but i thought I would repost it along with some updates. Any of the updates are clearly marked. Being the caregiver to more than one person can be a difficult task and I’m not talking about your children. Once your parents get older you find that you are…
Immune Defense Review – All You Need To Know
Nowadays, we see a myriad of products that claim to boost your immune system. During the warmer months, we eat a lot of fruit and get out in the sun. This gives our bodies the much-needed vitamin D and many other ones responsible for a healthy organism. Combine that with a bit of working out,…
Tips to Make Your Home Safer When Accommodating Seniors
This was a guest post that shared way back in 2013. I thought I would share it with y’all again with summer being in full swing you may have some senior citizens staying with you. I hope you find the tips helpful. I know that we use all three of the tips listed because they…
The Best Eyewear for Active Individuals
Eyewear is an often neglected and overlooked piece of equipment when it comes to what bests suits an active individual. For those walking, running, and climbing out in the great outdoors, flimsy fashion-orientated eyewear isn’t going to cut it, as they need to be sturdy, scratch-resistant, and offer at least some UV protection. When buying…
What is ‘Clean Beauty?’ Embracing the Natural Skin Care Movement
Something a lot of women don’t consider is the safety of their cosmetics. They tend to go after big brands, even though that often entails exposing their delicate skin and hair to dangerous substances. That’s exactly what the Clean Beauty movement is here to change!