Over the past decade, healthcare industries received remarkable growth as the result of constant advancement in technology and the population’s biological process. As the coronavirus or COVID-19 spread from nation to nation, the United States is facing challenges with supplies and equipment shortages and other issues, including a desperate demand for healthcare providers. The pandemic…
Our Family
What Are The Best Roofing Materials To Purchase For Your New Home?
When it comes to the roof of your home, are there really better materials out there to keep you and your family safe? I actually had no idea all the different types of materials that are offered when it comes to building a home or adding a new roof. What are the most common and…
5 Ways To Fight Boredom
Most all of us are at home and at this point fighting boredom. For me I read a lot and have a large to be read pile. I also began watching a series on Acorn TV. It has thirteen seasons and I am starting at the beginning. I will update y’all on how I am…
What About the Car? + Giveaway
I can honestly say I never thought I would be writing a blog post in the middle of a pandemic. This is something we see happen to other countries, watch on television, or read about. However it is here. We have over a hundred cases in Georgia. So far, as of this writing there are…
6 Tips for Protecting and Caring for Your Pet
Pets are members of the family, which means you’ll want to love and care for them as much as anybody else in your household. Here are six essential tips on how to protect your beloved pet.
Top Ten Tips to Improve Sleep
Sleep is a vital part of our health and well-being, yet millions of sleep-deprived people do not get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Although it may seem that you can keep on keepin’ on without sleep, the effects it causes to the body certainly impact you even if you don’t…
Finding a Daily Beauty Routine
I have a confession to make. I am one of those women who really don’t do much in the daily beauty department. I rarely (if ever) put on makeup anymore and only clean my face like once a day. I know! I know! I really need to up my game but I hate going through…
5 Things I Can’t Live Without
I wrote this post originally on A Lucky Grace but after moving those posts and going through I decided this was better over here. I expanded on it and hope that you enjoy it. We all know there are things and people that we just can’t live without. I mean we need oxygen, I need…
3 Shortcuts to Make Moving Easier and Get Settled Quicker
Even though some 40 million Americans move each year, packing up all your belongings and saying goodbye to a home and/or community you’ve lived in for years is still a daunting and emotional task for most people. Of course, it’s easy to see why, as moving requires a ton of work and logistics to ensure everything…
How to Support a Loved One Going Through a Hard Time
Whether it’s due to bereavement, job loss, money troubles or something else, it can be hard to see a loved one going through a difficult period. You want to be able to help them but may be worried about intruding into their life or making the situation worse. There are lots of ways you can…