I wrote this a year ago over at A Lucky Grace. With that site going through changes I thought I would share it with y’all here. When you reach my age (I’m 42 if you’re wondering) you look back from time to time and wonder if you would have done things differently if you could….
Our Family
8 Before 8
I love how a good blog post can make you rethink things. The other day I was reading this post and realized that I have a huge list of things I too attempt to get done. Most days I’m going be honest with you and tell you I run around like a chicken with her…
Why Drinking Beer From an Organic Microbrewery is Good For You
People love to indulge in alcohol. If you have a preferred type of drink, then you know how good you feel after that first glass. Of course, you shouldn’t overdrink, but once in a while, it is a nice change you can add in your life. People drink alcohol at parties, celebrations, business meetings, even…
10 Things About You Probably Didn’t Know
I shared these over at A Lucky Grace before but I thought I would share them with y’all as well. It is just another way I am making some changes over there.Changes that you will read about soon, if you haven’t already. I thought I would share some things that you may not know at…
I Suck at Fitness Goals
If that statement is the statement of the year! No matter how hard I try, no matter what it is that I seem to do I can’t manage to keep a single fitness goal. I did manage it one or twice last year but for some reason this year is a bust so far. I…
Yoga is Hard
I originally shared this over at A Lucky Grace. Things there are changing and I am moving some posts here. I thought I would share it with y’all today in case you never saw it. Not too long ago I thought I would give yoga a try. I felt like it would help me be…
Hello Fall + October Camera Giveaway
Living in the South I know that fall doesn’t really arrive until around today. September can still be one of the hottest months we have. There were several days last month where we still hovered around a hundred degrees. While I enjoy the summer because of being able to swim and such Fall is my…
How To Talk About Body Image With Your Children
Body image is a hot topic for parents, no matter how old our children are. The pictures of people that we see on the TV, online and on social media is making adults and children have unrealistic expectations of what we should look like. So what do we say to our own children if we…
Get Solid Results When You Hire An Expert
Let’s face it, all of us don’t know everything. From time to time, we need to hire experts to help us out. You need an architect to design a beautiful home. You need an accountant to audit your business. You need a plumber to fix your busted sink, or you may need the help of…
Tips on How to Choose the Best Snow Blower
The summer has been lovely and many will enjoy it for a bit longer. However, in a few short months winter will be upon us with all its fun and challenges. Depending on where you live, this coming season may require special preparations like special cloths, ensuring the heating system works perfectly, special tires for…